Common Good Digital Storytelling for Social Innovation

Project description

This project within the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, under the Centre for Development Support, is conducted by the UFS in collaboration with other local and international higher education institutions. The project is aimed at creating a digital network to capture and showcase social innovation and impact projects in South Africa, connecting them to each other and to their peers, academics, and higher education institutions around the world. The crux of the project is to utilise digital platforms in creating opportunities for marginalised communities. As an engaged scholarship project, the digital storytelling project aims to allow people to tell and own their stories, share their lived experience and knowledge, which can be used to advance the common and shared good of society.

Project content


  • The Common Good First project
  • The Digital Storytelling training for teaching, learning, and research
  • A central Digital Storytelling lab on the Bloemfontein Campus; pop-up labs on the Qwaqwa Campus, and the Xhariep Rural Collaborative Learning Platform
  • Partnership building.
Digital Story Telling Launch

The Digital Storytelling project is aimed at creating a digital network to capture and showcase social innovation and impact projects in South Africa.

 people stories

This project allows people to tell and own their stories, share their lived experience and knowledge in order to advance the common and shared good of society.

Digital Storytelling project

The Centre for Development Support is conducting the Common Good Digital Storytelling project.

For more information, contact:
Bishop Billyboy Ramahlele
T: +27 51 401 2822
C: +27 82 401 3279

Karen Venter
T: +27 51 401 3732
C: +27 83 310 3715

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