Service learning projects in the Faculty of the Humanities
In our pursuit of knowledge we place a premium on intellectual freedom, integrity, responsibility and equity. The range of disciplines offered in the faculty allows students to explore all aspects of the human experience. In addition to academic and professional expertise, the study of the humanities, the social and the educational sciences instils intellectual, cultural and humane sensitivity in students. Quite a number of the modules include a service learning aspect.
Faculty of the Humanities honours best service-learning students
The Faculty of the Humanities held a ceremony on 23 May 2012 to honour the best undergraduate and postgraduate service-learning students for 2011. Melissa Edwards received the prize for the best undergraduate student in service learning. The best postgraduate student was Giselle Fourie.

At the ceremony were, from the left: Billyboy Ramahlele, Director: Community Engagement; Prof Lucius Botes, Dean of the Faculty; Melissa Edwards; Giselle Fourie; and Dr Tanya Coetzee, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director: Programme Governance and Political Transformation.
MDP322: Clinical Community Work
Projects for 2012:
MOP302: Mangaung String Programme – A student changes his opinion
SDL322: Practical experience of the Value of a Degree in Governance and Political Transformation
SIL604A: Psychology's Community Service Project Makes a Difference
SIL604B: Study Buddy Project prepares Youth for Leadership Challenges
A Personal Service Learning Experience
Elbie Lombard
Department of Communication Science
It is today for me a great honour to say a few words on Service Learning.
Our department started with our module (KOM344: Service Learning in Communication Science) in the second semester of 2011, so, we are the new kids on the block! Service learning as part of an academic institution is valuable for the students as it teaches young adults the value of experiential learning and also teach them the very importance that we all have on each other. I base my service learning on the very profound words from Martin Luther King:
“All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence”.
I always route my students back to these words as I firmly believe that the work that my students do in the community is as important as any other work done in any other module. What distinguishes service learning for me from other forms of learning is the love and care combined with academic knowledge, and willingness to roll up your sleeves which results in active learning and a positive impact on the community. The recipe for service learning is based on knowledge, combined with love and care and real work and involvement which results in authentic learning, happy students and as well as happy community members and communities.
What I experienced at first, was that students was sceptical of what exactly it is that we want them to learn, but as the project progressed, I could see from their reflection the growth. Nothing can really prepare one for the experience of service learning, because each group and each community is different, but what remains true is the self discovery and the wonder of getting to know a community of which one is part, but one does not necessarily know as well as one should.
"Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.