Service Learning Articles
Service learning is an internationally recognised mechanism that promotes integration of service with teaching and learning in particular. Various articles and other Service Learning publications have been uploaded here for students and researchers to explore.
Education as Change: Community Service Learning (CSL) theory and epistemology (Special edition)
This special issue of Education as Change focusing on service learning emerged from the commitment of the CHESP research team in the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg to disseminating research in the field. We wish to encourage scholarly enquiry into CSL, such as publishing the work emanating from the research project in the Faculty in 2004-2006, and the conference of April 2005. In a sense, then, this special issue is not an attempt to showcase examples of best practice in community service learning but about the search towards ‘becoming’ or ‘emerging’ scholarship in CSL; it is about the search for a theoretical base, an underpinning ethic and an epistemic position for CSL in South Africa.
Articles in Education as Change.
Journal of Teaching in Social Work
From time to time, the Journal of Teaching in Social Work will publish a special issue centered on a contemporary issue of pedagogical importance. This special issue focuses on service learning and includes six articles written on ways of approaching and teaching service learning in both the graduate and undergraduate social work curricula. As an increasingly popular innovation in adult education, service learning has been relatively easily and rapidly adapted for professional education, in general, and for social work education, in particular.
Articles in the Journal of Teaching in Social Work.
Higher Education Documents
Republic of South Africa. Department of Education. 2013. White Paper for Post-school Education and Training: Building an expanded, effective and integrated post-school system. Pretoria: Department of Education.
Republic of South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. 2012. Green Paper for post-school education and training Pretoria: Department of Education.
Griesel, H. & Parker, B. 2009. Graduate attributes: A baseline study on South African graduates from the perspective of employers. HESA: Higher Education South Africa.
Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC CHE)
Service Learning in the Curriculum: A Resource for Higher Education Institutions – June 2006
Publication of this book represents an historic turn for higher education in South Africa, and for service-learning worldwide. For South Africa this is the first publication addressed to academic staff that provides a comprehensive breadth and depth of information on how to design, implement and assess curriculum-based service-learning programmes. It will become an invaluable and essential guide, for those who seek to develop modules that include community service, as a "text" to be read alongside more traditional readings and discussed reflectively in the classroom. This resource book also contains wise, detailed advice for those whose responsibilities are more institutionally focused on both supporting and sustaining community engagement programmes and assuring their quality and conformance with national standards.
A Good Practice Guide and Self-Evaluation: Instruments for Managing the Quality of Service-Learning – June 2006
This publication focuses on one aspect of community engagement: service-learning. The publication benefits from the contributions of local and international specialists in terms of their different experiences of the practice of and approaches to service-learning in higher education.
Service-Learning in the Disciplines: Lessons from the Field – August 2008
A number of academics across several academic disciplines were invited to contribute to this particular publication. The intention of this publication is to illustrate how service-learning has been conceptualised and implemented in different academic disciplines and to record the lessons learnt through this process. While the subject matter of each case study included in this publication may be discipline-specific, the lessons learnt cut across disciplines and should be informative to any academic interested in the inclusion of service-learning in their academic offerings regardless of their academic discipline.
Community Engagement in South African Higher Education – January 2010
Kagisano No. 6
The objective of this paper is to bring together perspectives on community engagement in South African Higher Education in order to assist the National Research Foundation (NRF) in drawing up a programme for funding research in this area, to inform the further development of the Council on Higher Education's (CHE) quality evaluation criteria for community engagement, and to contribute to the CHE's advice to the Minister of Education on the appropriate place of community engagement in the national Higher Education system.