What We Offer

Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Accounting (BCom Hons (Acc))

The BCom Hons (Acc) may serve as a prerequisite and entrance requirement for the BAcc Hons or the PGDip (Chartered Accountancy), provided that all four core modules are successfully completed.

After successful completion of the BCom Hons (Acc), students can pursue a Master of Commerce.

Students who do not wish to articulate (bridge) to BAccHons or PGDip(CA) must choose any three of the year modules below plus the research module:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting and Financial Management
  • Taxation
  • Auditing and Corporate Governance

  • Research and Research Methodology for BComHons (Acc)

Students who choose to follow the route that includes all four year modules above plus the research module may articulate to BAccHons or PGDip(CA).

Students should have obtained at least a 60% weighted average in the third-year modules of the BCom (Accounting) degree (or an equivalent at another institution).

Students from other institutions must seek specific permission from the Programme Director: General Accountancy.

How do I apply for this programme?

The following link will direct you to the UFS Application site: https://apply.ufs.ac.za/Application/Start

Where can I source funding for my studies?

Other bursaries and funding: 

Where can I get more information?

+27 51 401 2333



Tel: +27 51 401 3825
Academic Advice: EMSadvice@ufs.ac.za
EMS Applications: EMSapplications@ufs.ac.za
EMS Appeals BFN (South and Bloemfontein) EMSappealsbfn@ufs.ac.za
EMS Appeals Qwaqwa: EMSappealsQQ@ufs.ac.za

Economic faculty contact block

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