What We Offer

Master of Accounting (MAcc)

Pursuing an MAcc degree allows students to gain specialised knowledge and expertise within their chosen field and discipline. A Master’s degree can open up career opportunities and increase earning potential. If you are interested in research and problem-solving and want to further your personal growth and development, the MAcc degree is your next step.

The following specialisations are offered as part of the MAcc degree:

Qualification name

Academic plan code


Admission requirements

Master of Accounting with specialisation  in Financial Accounting

BC686061 (Research)

EFIN8900:  Dissertation or two interrelated, publishable manuscripts / published articles in Financial Accounting


Relevant Bachelor of Accounting Honours Degree (or an equivalent qualification aimed at chartered accountancy studies at NQF Level 8), with an average of at least 60%.

Master of Accounting with specialisation  in Management Accounting

BC686062 (Research)

EBRF8900:  Dissertation or two interrelated, publishable manuscripts / published articles in Management Accounting


Relevant Bachelor of Accounting Honours Degree (or an equivalent qualification aimed at chartered accountancy studies at NQF Level 8), with an average of at least 60%.

Master of Accounting with specialisation  in Taxation



EBLS8900:  Dissertation or two interrelated, publishable manuscripts / published articles in Taxation


Relevant Bachelor of Accounting Honours Degree (or an equivalent qualification aimed at chartered accountancy studies at NQF Level 8), with an average of at least 60%.

Master of Accounting with specialisation  in Auditing



EODT8900:  Dissertation or two interrelated, publishable manuscripts / published articles in Auditing

Relevant Bachelor of Accounting Honours Degree (or an equivalent qualification aimed at chartered accountancy studies at NQF Level 8), with an average of at least 60%..


Admission to the Master’s programme is subject to approval by the Programme Director Chartered Accountancy and Research.

Prospective applicants must please contact the Programme Director: Chartered Accountancy and Research before application on the official UFS system to confirm the following: 

  • The School’s research focus and niche areas (RNAs); 
  • The School’s research approach; and
  • The availability of supervision within the chosen MAcc specialisation

Once the availability of supervision has been confirmed, the following documentation must be submitted to the Programme Director: Chartered Accountancy and Research before application on the official UFS system:

  • Full study transcript, including copies of all qualifications. 
  • SAQA Certificate of Evaluation (in the case of foreign qualifications) 
  • Copy of the Honours dissertation (where relevant).
    • A 5-page proposal (including references) that sets out the following: 
    • Introduction and background of the study
    • Research problem / Problem statement
    • Research objectives
    • Summary of the research methodology 
    • Planned structure of the chapters in the project
    • Significance of the study
    • List of references - referenced according to the Harvard referencing method.

How do I apply for this programme?

The following link will direct you to the UFS Application site: https://apply.ufs.ac.za/Application/Start

Where can I source funding for my studies?

Other bursaries and funding: 

Where can I get more information?

+27 51 401 2333

Contact details of Programme Director: Chartered Accountancy and Research

Mrs. Lizelle Bruwer



Tel: +27 51 401 3825
Academic Advice: EMSadvice@ufs.ac.za
EMS Applications: EMSapplications@ufs.ac.za
EMS Appeals BFN (South and Bloemfontein) EMSappealsbfn@ufs.ac.za
EMS Appeals Qwaqwa: EMSappealsQQ@ufs.ac.za

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