Flippie Groenewoud Building: Block B 16A
Johann Rossouw obtained his B.A. from the University of Pretoria (cum laude, 1991). Hy obtained his honours degree in philosophy (cum laude) from the same university in 1993 with a minithesis on the modern idea of authenticity. In 1998 he obtained his master’s degree in philosophy from the University of South Africa under the supervision of Proff. C.S. de Beer and A.P.J. Roux on the subject, power and freedom in the thought of Michel Foucault. In 2002 he obtained his D.E.A. in philosophy (cum laude) from the University of Lyon-3 with a minithesis on the spatial politics of globalisation under the supervision of Prof. Régis Debray. In 2013 he obtained his doctorate in political theory from Monash University, Melbourne under the supervision of Dr Michael Janover, Prof. Pieter Duvenage and Dr Paul Muldoon on Bernard Stiegler, Western modernity and the theological-political points of departure of Stiegler’s work.
Rossouw’s first novel, ´n Rooi Z4 en ´n Renaissance-kasteel (A Red Z4 and a Renaissance Castle) was published in 2007 by Zebra Press (Cape Town), and his second novel, Verwoerdburg, was published in 2014 by Umuzi (Cape Town). His Afrikaans translations from the French of respectively Pascal Quignard’s Elke oggend van die wêreld (All the Mornings of the World) and the Anglo-Boer war diary of the French general De Villebois-Maureuil (Oorlogsdagboek van veggeneraal De Villebois-Maureuil, with D.P.M. Botes) were both published in 2000 by Protea Boekehuis (Pretoria). Rossouw was amongst others also co-presenter of Afrikaans national radio RSG’s program on philosophy and culture, Spookstasie (1998-2005); co-editor of the independent journal, Fragmente: Tydskrif vir filosofie en kultuurkritiek (1998-2004); founding editor of the Afrikaans monthly, Die Vrye Afrikaan (2004-2008); writer of the column Glasoog in the Afrikaans daily Beeld (2004-2010), as well as of numerous articles in South African and foreign magazines and newspapers since 1995, including Le Monde diplomatique and the New York Times.
Publications (Short List)
Spirit Matters: Life After Secularism and Religion? in Secularisations and Their Debates, edited by Matthew Sharpe et al, Springer (2014)
“’n Mens se plig lê altyd in die hede”: ’n Zen-Boeddhistiese aanvulling tot Bernard Stiegler se rolprentmatige fenomenologie van die tyd en die bewussyn (“‘A person’s duty always lies in the present’: A Zen-Buddhist supplement to Bernard Stiegler’s cinematic phenomenology of time and consciousness”), LitNet Akademies vol.8 (1), February 2011, Cape Town (ISSN 1995-5928) (electronic),
´n Lang blik op Westerse moderniteit (A long view of Western modernity), LitNet Akademies vol.7 (2), April 2011, Cape Town (ISSN 1995-5928) (electronic),
Secularity and Modernity? A Brief Response to Herbert De Vriese, Sophia. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysical Theology and Ethics vol.49 (3), October 2010, Springer, (ISSN 0038-1527).
Religie en Bernard Stiegler se ‘otium van die volk’ (Religion and Bernard Stiegler’s ‘otium of the people’), LitNet Akademies vol.6 (1), March 2009, Cape Town (ISSN 1995-5928) (electronic),
Tegniek en republiek: Wisselende vryheidsbegrippe in Afrikaner- en Suid-Afrikaanse politiek (Technics and republic: Varying conceptions of freedom in Afrikaner and South African politics), LitNet Akademies, vol.5 (1), August 2008, Cape Town (ISSN 1995-5928) (electronic),
Espace et politique en Afrique du Sud (Space and politics in South Africa), Médium, no.8, July 2006, Paris: Éditions Babylone, pp.93 – 107 (ISSN 1950-0246)
- The contemplative life
- The soul
- Liturgy
- Tradition and modernity
- The theological-philosophical critique of modernity
- The philosophy of technics: spirit and matter