Workshop on early intervention options for the child with a hearing loss: 12 May 2017
The majority of Deaf children (more than 90%) are born to hearing parents. When parents first learn that their child is deaf they experience shock, anger, grief, and denial. The common belief is that hearing loss will destroy the chance to be a normal, healthy family. Important discussions regarding communication modes should be explored as soon as possible after identification of a hearing loss. Further decisions involve future school placement and educational options for the child.
The Department of South African Sign Language at the University of the Free State hosted a workshop where information was provided regarding different modes of communication that can be used within the family. Specialists in the field of education talked about available options for school placement of the deaf child. Marisa Vermeulen, a hearing mother with two deaf children, shared her family’s story, the choices they had to make, and the impact deafness had on them. We also heard from a Deaf adult and how the choices his family made had an impact on him as a person.
A parent support group was established. If you have a deaf child, please contact us to become part of this initiative.