Walker, M., McLean, M., Mathebula, M. and Mukwambo, P. (2022) Low-Income Students, Human Development and Higher Education in South Africa: Opportunities, obstacles and outcomes. Cape Town: African Minds
Mathebula, M. (2018) Engineering Education for Sustainable Development: A capabilities approach. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
Journal articles and book chapters
Mathebula, M. and Masutha, M. (2021) Supporting pathways into higher education for low-income youth: lessons from a youth-led non-profit organisation In A. De Lannoy, M. Langa and H. Brooks (eds.) Youth in South Africa: Agency, (in)visibility and national development, Johannesburg: MISTRA.
Mathebula, M. and Martinez-Vargas, C. (2021) Broadening the normative and evaluative space for assessing the impact of photo diary research in higher education: a capabilities approach. In X. Cao and E. F. Henderson (eds.) Diary Method in Higher Education Research, Routledge (SRHE series).
Walker, M. and Mathebula, M. (2020) A participatory photovoice project: towards capability expansion of ‘invisible’ students in South Africa. In M. Walker and A. Boni (eds). Participatory research, capabilities and epistemic justice: A transformative agenda for higher education, Palgrave.
Walker, M. and Mathebula, M. (2020) Low-income rural youth migrating to urban universities in South Africa: opportunities and inequalities. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,
Mathebula, M. (2019) Recognising poor black youth from rural communities in South Africa as epistemic contributors, Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 7, 1: 64-85.
Mathebula, M. and Calitz, T. (2018) #Feesmustfall: A media analysis of students’ voices on access to universities in South Africa, In P. Ashwin and J.M. Case (eds). Pathways to the Public Good: Access, Experiences and Outcomes of South African Undergraduate Education. Cape Town: African Minds.
Mathebula, M. (2016) ‘We think we’re helping, but are we really?’- Critical reflections on engineering for sustainable development. In G. Nhamo and V. Mjimba (eds). Sustainability, Climate Change and the Green Economy. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa/HSRC Press.
Mathebula, M., Walker, M. Towards a broader understanding of ‘black tax’ and its impact on low-income university students in South Africa, Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Mathebula, M., Martinez-Vargas, C. Ubuntu as a valued capability for university students in South Africa, Journal of Student Affairs in Africa