Books and shorter monographs
· A (Wo)man for all Seasons: Amos Tutuola and the Gendering of Peace in Africa. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute and Uppsala University, 2019 (ISBN 978-91-7106-841-5).
· Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development in Africa: Concepts, role-players, policy and practice (co-edited with Theo Neethling, Cape Town: UCT Press /United Nations University), 2013 (ISBN 9781775820048).
· A Feminist Reading of Security in Africa. ISS Monograph Series. February 1998, no. 20: 22-98 (ISSN 1026-0412).
Chapters in books (short list)
· Feminist Solution: One for All, All for One: Taking Collective Responsibility for Ending War and Sustaining Peace, in MacKenzie, M. and Wegner, N. (eds). Feminist Solutions for Ending War, London: Pluto, 2021: 29-43.
· When theory meets method: Feminist peace research in Africa and how to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange, in Rashid, I. and Niang, A. (eds). Research Peacebuilding in Africa: Theory, Field and Context. London & New York: Routledge, 2021: 38-55.
· Close(d) Encounters: Feminist Security Studies Engages Feminist International Political Economy and the Return to Basics, in Elias, J. and Roberts, A. (eds). Handbook on International Political Economy of Gender Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018: 127-141.
· Subversion of an ordinary kind: gender, security and everyday theory in Africa, in Paul-Henri Bischoff, Kwesi Aning and Amitav Acharya (eds). Africa in Global International Relations. Emerging approaches to theory and practice. London & New York: Routledge, 2016: 43-63.
· Untangling the Gendering of the Security-Development Nexus, in Jackson, P. (ed.) Handbook of International Security and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015: 47-63.
· A bridge too far? The gender consequences of linking security and development in SSR discourse and practice, in Schnabel, A. & Farr, V. (eds) Back to the Roots: Security Sector Reform and Development. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2012: 77-114.
· Peacekeeping trends and their gender implications for regional peacekeeping forces in Africa: Progress and challenges, in Mazurana, D., Raven-Roberts, A. & Parpart, J. (eds). Gender, Conflict, and Peacekeeping. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005: 111-133.
· Gender as a Tool for the analysis of the Human Security Discourse in Africa, in Karamé, K. & Tryggestad, T.L. (eds). Gender Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Studies. Oslo: NUPI, 2000: 79-113.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals (short list)
· It matters how you ‘do’ gender in peacebuilding: African approaches and challenges. Insight on Africa 2021 13(2): 142-159;
· Madsen, Diana & Heidi Hudson. Temporality and the discursive dynamics of the Rwandan National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security from 2009 and 2018. International Feminist Journal of Politics 2020 22(4): 550-571;
· Sjoberg, Laura, Heidi Hudson & Cynthia Weber. IFJP at 20: reflections from the teen years. International Feminist Journal of Politics 2018 20 (4): 496-500.
· Larger than Life? Decolonising Human Security Studies through Feminist Posthumanism. Strategic Review for Southern Africa 2018 40(1): 46-64.
· The Power of Mixed Messages: Women, Peace, and Security Language in National Action Plans from Africa. Africa Spectrum 2017 52(3): 3-29.
· Decolonising Gender and Peacebuilding: Feminist Frontiers and Border Thinking in Africa. Peacebuilding 2016 4 (2): 194-209. Special Issue “Building Peace: Feminist Perspectives”, edited by Laura J. Shepherd. DOI: 10.1080/21647259.2016.1192242.
· (Re)framing the relationship between discourse and materiality in Feminist Security Studies and Feminist IPE. Politics & Gender June 2015, 11 (2): 413-419.
· Gendercidal Violence and the Technologies of Othering in Libya and Rwanda. Africa Insight June 2014, 44 (1): 103-120.
· A Double-edged Sword of Peace? Reflections on the Tension between Representation and protection in Gendering Liberal Peacebuilding. International Peacekeeping 2012, 19 (4): 443-460 (reprinted as book chapter, Routledge, see 4.2).
· Inhabitants of interstices? Feminist analysis at the intersection of Peace Studies, Critical Security Studies and Human Security. Strategic Review for Southern Africa. XXXIII (2) November 2011: 26-50.
· La violencia de la construcción de la paz neoliberal en África: analizando sus “trampa” a través de una lente de género / The violence of neoliberal peacebuilding in Africa: Analysing its ‘traps’ through a gender lens. Revista Relaciones Internacionales 16: February 2011.
· Peacebuilding through a Gender Lens and the Challenges of Implementation in Rwanda and Côte d’Ivoire. Security Studies 18 (2), 2009: 287-318 (reprinted as book chapter, Routledge, see 4.2).
· ‘Doing’ Security As Though Humans Matter: A Feminist Perspective on Gender and the Politics of Human Security. Security Dialogue June 2005, 36 (2): 155-174 (reproduced as a chapter in the four-volume set on Human Security, edited by T. Owen, Sage Publications, 2013).
· Fractious Holism: the complex relationship between women and war. Acta Academica. Gender Supplementum: Gender, society and theory: the University of the Free State. 2002 (1): 113-146.
· Mainstreaming Gender in Peacekeeping Operations: Can Africa learn from international experience? African Security Review. 2000, 9 (4) :18-33.