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Janse van Rensburg A, Petersen I, Wouters E, Engelbrecht M, Kigozi G, Fourie P, van Rensburg D, Bracke P. 2018. State and non-state mental health service collaboration in a South African district: a mixed methods study. Health Policy and Planning, 1–12 doi: 10.1093/heapol/czy017.
Kigozi G, Engelbrecht M, Heunis C & Janse van Rensburg A. 2018. Household contact non-attendance of clinical evaluation for tuberculosis: a pilot study in a high burden district in South Africa. BMC Infectious Diseases, 18:106. Doi.org/10.1186/s12879-018-3010-3.
Engelbrecht MC, Kigozi G, Janse van Rensburg AP & Van Rensburg HCJ. 2018. Tuberculosis infection control practices in a high-burden metro in South Africa: A perpetual bane for efficient primary health care service delivery. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 10(1) a1628. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.4102/phcfm.vl10il.1628.
Masquillier C, Wouters E, Sommerland N, Rau A, Engelbrecht M, Kigozi G & Janse van Rensburg A. 2018. Fighting stigma, promoting care: a study on the use of occupationally-based HIV services in the Free State Province of South Africa, AIDS Care, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1468010
Kigozi NG, Heunis JC, Engelbrecht C, Janse van Rensburg AP, van Rensburg HCJ. 2017.Tuberculosis knowledge, attitudes and practices of patients at primary health care facilities in a South African metropolitan: research towards improved health education. BMC Public Health, 17:795.
Sommerland N, Wouters E, Masquillier C, Engelbrecht M, Kigozi G, Uebel K, Janse van Rensburg A, Rau A. 2017. Stigma as a barrier to the use of occupational health units for tuberculosis services in South Africa. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 21 (Supplement 1): S75-S80(6). DOI: https://doi.org/10.5588/ijtld.17.0030
Wouters E, Masquillier C, Sommerland N, Engelbrecht M, Van Rensburg AJ, Kigozi G, Rau A. 2017. Measuring HIV- and TB-related stigma among health care workers in South Africa: a validation and reliability study. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 21 (11): S19-S25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5588/ijtld. 16.0749
Engelbrecht MC, Kigozi NG, Chikobvu P, Botha S, van Rensburg HCJ. 2017. Unsuccessful TB treatment outcomes with a focus on HIV co-infected cases: a cross sectional retrospective record review in a high-burdened province of South Africa. BMC Health Services Research, 17:470. DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2406-x
Liautaud A, Adu PA, Yassi A, Zungu M, Spiegel JM, Rawat A, Bryce EA, Engelbrecht MC. 2017. Strengthening HIV and Tuberculosis Prevention Capacity among South African Healthcare Workers: A mixed methods study of a collaborative occupational health program. Safety and Health at Work, doi: 10.1016/j.shaw.2017.08.004.
O’Hara LM, Yassi A, Bryce EA, Janse van Rensburg A, Engelbrecht MC, Zungu M, Nophale LE, FitzGerald JM. 2017. Infection control and tuberculosis in health care workers: an assessment of 28 hospitals in South Africa. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 21(3): 320-326(7). https://doi.org/10.5588/ijtld.16.0591
Engelbrecht MC, Janse van Rensburg A, Kigozi G, van Rensburg HCJ. 2016. Factors associated with good TB infection control practices among primary healthcare workers in the Free State Province, South Africa. BMC Infectious Diseases ,16:633. doi: 10.1186/s12879. ttps://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/
Wouters E, Rau A, Engelbrecht M, Uebel K, Siegel J, Masquillier C, Kigozi G, Sommerland N, Yassi A. 2016. The Development and Piloting of Parallel Scales Measuring External and Internal HIV and Tuberculosis Stigma Among Healthcare Workers in the Free State Province, South Africa. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15(62 Suppl 3) :S244-54. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ1185.
Janse van Rensburg AP, Engelbrecht MC, Yassi A, Nophale LE, Bryce E and Spiegel JM. 2016. Selected features of nurses’ occupational health and safety practice in three Free State provincial public hospitals. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 22(2): 8-14.
Engelbrecht MC, Yassi A, Spiegel JM, Van Rensburg AJ, O’Hara LM, Bryce EA, Nophale LE & Rau A. 2015. Tuberculosis and blood-borne infectious diseases: Workplace conditions and practices of healthcare workers at three public hospitals in the Free State. Southern African Journal of Infectious Diseases, 30(1): 23-28.
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