Jack and the Beanstalk

Name of production: JACK AND THE BEANSTALK

Playwright: Karen Combrinck & Walter Strydom

Director: Walter Strydom

Venue:  Scaena Rehearsal room, UFS main campus

Language: English


Dates and times:

6 May 2015                   15h00

7 May 2015                   11h00 & 18h00

8 May 2015                   11h00 & 18h00

9 May 2015                   11h00


Prices:  R 25.00 per person and/or R20.00 per person for groups of 10 or more.


Bookings:   Computicket (0861 915 8000)



Press Release

Once upon a time there was an old man who bought Jack’s cow, Dandelion, for 5 beans. When Jack presented this amazing magical treasure to his mother, she asked: “What to do with these vegetables? You know what beans do to your tummy…!” and she promptly chucked them out the window.


But, when a humungous beanstalk sprouts in Jack’s garden, he has no other choice but to climb the thing to discover what lies at the top. On a mission to find a golden egg that will enable Jack to buy back Dandelion, Jack has to try something, doesn’t he? On this adventure in the clouds, he meets up with an assortment of food and all sorts of condiments. If you don’t know what condiments are, don’t worry, Jack doesn’t either. And all of this, of course, takes place in a giant’s kitchen. A kitchen. Where you prepare food. Where Jack is but the size of a small profiterole.  And where the giant seems to be constantly checking the fridge for something to eat. And where a talking goose is harangued by a beautiful harp to keep quiet or else the giant will want to hear yet another boring piece of classical music. Will Jack be on the menu or can he successfully pose as the giant’s action figure toy? And where will he find that golden egg?


Jack and the Beanstalk is this year’s first production for children from the University of the Free State’s Department for Drama and Theatre Arts. A fresh retelling of the ageless classic is specifically aimed to entertain a newer generation of kids with the same story mom and dad loved when they were young. Hard at work behind the scenes of this delightful comedy for younger audiences are the energetic talents of a vibrant group of drama students. Directed by Walter Strydom (known for productions such as the Boer Manie-series, Een Kleine Lientjie and Robin Hood) and showcasing the staging talents of four excellent postgraduate drama students. Jack and the Beanstalk hits the stage early in May.


T: +27 51 401 2240 or humanities@ufs.ac.za

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

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