Hamlet (E)
Production: Hamlet (E)
Text: William Shakespeare
Adaptation: Thys Heydenrych
Directed by: Thys Heydenrych & Peter Taljaard
Venue: Rehearsal Room
Dates and times:
21 October 2014 at 19h30
22 October 2014 at 19h30
23 October 2014 at 19h30
24 October 2014 at 19h30
25 October 2014 at 19h30
R 40.00 per person
R 30.00 for students, scholars
R 25.00 for pensioners)
Bookings: Computicket (Mimosa Mall and Checkers). Booking essential - Limited seats
Hamlet is regarded as one of Shakespeare’s most powerful tragedies. The play is set in Denmark where Prince Hamlet is duty-bound to take revenge on his uncle, Claudius, for cunningly killing his father and marrying his mother. Claudius, fearful of Hamlet’s intent, manipulates Laertes, son of Polonius whom Hamlet killed, into a lethal fencing match with Hamlet.
This modernised version of the classic tale demonstrates the universality of Shakespeare’s stories, themes and characters, still relevant today, centuries after they were created. Hamlet is filled with treachery, revenge, spying and the much debated madness. Not only does Hamlet struggle with his father’s death/murder and his mother’s hasty marriage, but he also struggles with who he is, his relationships with the people in his life, and his duty towards himself versus his duty to the state and expectations placed on him. Thís Hamlet is not only a masterpiece about a prince’s revenge, or a “document in madness”; but is more focused on the tragic tale of a man on the crooked path of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
Directed by Thys Heydenrych and Peter Taljaard. With Marli van der Bijl as Ophelia, CW Laten as Horatio, Michelle Hoffman as Queen Gertrude, Charl Henning as Laertes, Nic Beukes as Polonius and Thys Heydenrych and Peter Taljaard as Hamlet and Claudius. Thys Heydenrych also adapted the script into a one act.
Hamlet runs from 21 - 25 October 2014 in the Rehearsal Room. Performances start at 19h30 and runs for 100 minutes. Tickets available at Computicket. Limited seats available. Booking essential.