Brief definition of what it entailsOxford Music Online defines music theory as “an area of study that tends to focus on musical materials per se, in order to explain (and/or offer generalisations about) their various principles and processes” and explains that “it investigates how these materials function (or, in a more speculative vein, how they might function), so that musical ‘structure’ can be better understood”.
Relevant information regarding this subject in the OSMThe OSM offers a robust music theory programme, covering music literacy skills at the introductory levels of teaching, and exploring the specialised academic study of music theory from the senior undergraduate levels of teaching onwards. The music theory curriculum is complemented by modules in composition and arrangement. Specific competencies covered include Schenkerian analysis, William Caplin’s theory of classical form functions, set theory, and dodecaphonic serialism.
Interesting research in this fieldIn the OSM, research in this field most often comprises analyses of South African composers’ music in order to interpret it within their socio-historical, cultural, and music-structural contexts.
Relevant staff membersDr Matildie Wium E: Phillip E: Dr Anchen Froneman E: Eigelaar E: