popular music

Brief definition of what it entails
Popular Music Studies involves the academic study of popular musics, including a variety of genres – from jazz, rock, and metal, to punk, hip-hop, and electronic music, among others.

Relevant information regarding this subject matter in the OSM
We cover, among others, the following:

  • Popular musics from South Africa and global contexts
  • Cultural and historical contexts for popular musics
  • Intersections between popular music, race, and gender
  • Music video studies
  • Popular musics and concepts of place

Interesting research in this field
Interesting studies have been done in this field in the OSM, for example:

  • Semiotic readings of gospel rap and Afrikaans popular music
  • Gender, patriarchy, and South African jazz
  • Critical whiteness and ska-punk
  • Funk, race, and gender
  • Sound studies, lo-fi aesthetics, and DIY musicking

Relevant staff members

Dr Marc Röntsch 
E: RontschMA@ufs.ac.za 
T: +27 51 401 2472



T: +27 51 401 2240 or humanities@ufs.ac.za

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

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