Odeion School of Music
Short CV
Book chapters published
Accredited articles published
Froneman, A. (2018) ‘The sight and sound of fireworks’ – embodied interactions within piano performance gestures, South African Theatre Journal, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 98-11
Peer reviewed articles published
- Froneman, A & Munro, MMS (2023) Applying LBMS as strategy towards enhancing piano performance in Western Art Music contexts. Journal of Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies. Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 128 - 144
Publications (Short List)
2020: The Sight and Sound of Fireworks - Analysing musical gestures in performances of Feux d`Artifice from and embodied perspective. Lecture Demonstration at the South African Society of Research in Music Annual Conference (Online). September 2020.
2018: Deliver a paper entitled:LMS towards enhancing piano performance with Prof Marth Munro at the LABAN 2018 International Conference celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, 01 June 2018
2016: Delivered a paper entitled: Embodiment as locus of aesthetic and spiritual musical experience at Colloquium on Embodied Knowledge(s) and Embodied Pedagogies presented by the Arts Cluster, University of Pretoria, 18 January 2016.
2015: Delivered a paper entitled Moving Performance: Embodied well-being & Laban Bartenieff Movement Principles at the 3rd International Conference on Spirituality and Music Education, School of Music, North West University, Potchefstroom, 25 – 27 March
2014: Delivered a paper entitled “It’s in the way we move” – Performative Somaesthetics and Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies at the South African Society of Research in Music’s Annual Conference in at the University of the Witwatersrand.
2014: Delivered a paper entitled “The body of space in John Cage’s 4’33” at the Body/Space/Emergence Conference presented by the Drama Department, University of Pretoria.
2004: Delivered a paper on “Heinrich Schenker’s – The Art of Performance” at the the South African Society of Research in Music’s Annual Conference, University of Stellenbosch
Performance Studies; Embodiment; Laban Movement Analysis
MUSY1504 - Music Theory within the first year of diploma studies
MUSY2604 - Music Theory within the second year of diploma studies
MUSS1512 - Systematic Music Studies (music theory) in first year of degree studies.
MUSM4808 / MUSM6808 - Research Project supervision for final year BMus or BAMusHons students.
Units on movement practices in MUOC1502 and MOUC2602