Flippie Groenewoud Building: Block B 134
Full-time Senior Lecturer, Department of History
Tertiary training
B.A. (Ed.), 1990
B.A. Honours (History) cum laude, 1991
M.A. (History) cum laude, 1993
Ph.D. (History), 2007
Title of thesis: Remembering the truth: An oral history perspective on the victim hearings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa, 1996-1998
Work experience
Tertiary education: 27 years
Supervisor for postgraduate students (completed)
Honours dissertation: 8
M.A. Thesis: 2
M.A. (Structured) dissertation: 5
Ph.D. Thesis: 4
Publications (Short List)
Oral history - Researching the hidden voices, untold stories and veiled memories of ordinary people
Human rights violations, justice and truth - To understand how the international community deal with human rights violations, the search for truth and forms of justice that are implemented to deal with a violent past
Truth commissions - How truth commissions deal with a violent past, with specific focus on the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
HIST 2624:
Twentieth-century global clashes
(with special reference to the Cold War)
HIST 3728:
How to make history
(with special reference to doing oral history)
HIST 6848:
Human rights violations, truth and justice in historical perspective
HIST 6808:
HIST 7916:
Research methodology and related matters
HISS 7900:
HISR 8900:
M.A. Research Dissertation
HIST 9100:
Ph.D. Thesis