Prof André Wessels

Full-length articles in accredited national journals

  • (1) Letters: Lord Milner to Hamilton John Goold-Adams, 1901-1905 (text by E.M. Main; editing, annotations and introduction by A. Wessels), Christiaan de Wet-annale 5, October 1978, pp. 107-156.
  • (2) Irish nationalists and South Africa, 1877-1902 (text by J.L. McCracken; editing, annotations, introduction and appendices by A. Wessels), Christiaan de Wet-annale 5, October 1978, pp. 157-184.
  • (3) Contree – die eerste tien jaar [Contree - the first ten years], Contree: journal for South African urban and regional history 21, January 1987, pp. 26-29.
  • (4) Herinneringskrif van Magrietha Uys uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) [Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) reminiscences of Magrietha Uys] (editing, annotations and introduction by A. Wessels), South African Journal for Cultural and Art History 1(1), March 1987, pp. 43-52.
  • (5) Die rol van politieke faktore in die formulering van die Suid-Afrikaanse verstedelikingsbeleid: 'n historiese perspektief [The role of political factors in the formulation of the South African urbanization policy: an historical perspective], Journal for Contemporary History 13(2), December 1988, pp. 133-161.
  • (6) Die fases van die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n funksionele indeling [The phases of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a functional classification], Acta Academica: journal for human sciences 23(2), May 1991, pp. 52-79.
  • (7) In search of acceptable national symbols for South Africa, Journal for Contemporary History 19(2), September 1994, pp. 262-287.
  • (8) Die opbou van die Unie-Verdedigingsmagte in die tydperk September 1939 tot September 1941 [The building up of the Union Defence Forces in the period September 1939 to September 1941], Journal for Contemporary History 19(3), December 1994, pp. 1-22.
  • (9) Die aanwending van die Unie-Verdedigingsmagte in die tydperk September 1939 tot September 1941 [The utilization of the Union Defence Forces in the period September 1939 to September 1941], Journal for Contemporary History 19(4), June 1995, pp. 1-23.
  • (10) South Africa's grey diplomats: visits by South African warships to foreign countries 1946-1996, Scientiae Militaria 27, 1997, pp. 67-105.
  • (11) Vervoer: 'n dinamiese kultuurverskynsel [Transport: a dynamic cultural phenomenon], South African Journal for Cultural History 12(1), May 1998, pp. 97-106.
  • (12) "(S)hell in Nigeria"? – Ken Saro-Wiwa en die stryd van Ogoni ["(S)hell in Nigeria"? – Ken Saro-Wiwa and the struggle of the Ogoni], Journal for Contemporary History 23(2), December 1998, pp. 81-100 (in collaboration with P. Steyn).
  • (13) 'n Kultuurskat by uitnemendheid: navorsingsmateriaal in die Van Riebeeckhuis in Amsterdam, met spesiale verwysing na die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) [A cultural treasure par excellance: research material in the Van Riebeeck House, Amsterdam, with special reference to the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)], South African Journal for Cultural History 13(1), May 1999, pp. 104-120.
  • (14) The roots of contemporary governmental and non-governmental environmental activities in South Africa, 1654-1972, New Contree 45, September 1999, pp. 61-81 (in collaboration with P. Steyn).
  • (15) Die Boere se strategie aan die begin van die Anglo-Boereoorlog [The Boer strategy at the beginning of the Anglo-Boer War], Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 39(3+4), September + December 1999, pp. 227-242.
  • (16) Life in the British blockhouses during the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902, South African Journal for Cultural History 13(2), November 1999, pp. 39-55 (in collaboration with J. Hattingh).
  • (17) South Africa and World War 11: the decisive first two years on the home front (September 1939 - September 1941), Journal for Contemporary History 24(2), December 1999, pp. 1-24.
  • (18) Environmental non-governmental contributions to the global environmental movement, 1962-1992, Journal for Contemporary History 24(2), December 1999, pp. 96-113 (in collaboration with P. Steyn).
  • (19) The emergence of new environmentalism in South Africa, 1988-1992, South African Historical Journal 42, 2000 pp. 210-231 (in collaboration with P. Steyn).
  • (20) A military-strategic assessment of the Buller phase (31 October 1899 - 10 February 1900) during the Anglo-Boer War, New Contree 47, September 2000, pp. 136-174.
  • (21) An assessment of the British offensive during the Anglo-Boer War, 16 December 1899 - 10 February 1900, Journal for Contemporary History 25 (2), December 2000, pp. 100-115.
  • (22) Die traumatiese nalatenskap van die Anglo-Boereoorlog se konsentrasie-kampe [The traumatic legacy of the Anglo-Boer War's concentration camps], Journal for Contemporary History 26(2), December 2001, pp. 1-20.
  • (23) Militêre strategie tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n herwaardering na verloop van 100 jaar [Military strategy during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a reappraisal], Historia 47(1), May 2002, pp. 9-32.
  • (24) Die Afrikaners en die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n kritiese evaluering na verloop van 100 jaar [The Afrikaners and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a critical evaluation after 100 years], New Contree 48, 2000, pp. 67-85.
  • (25) The interaction between the Merebank Concentration Camp and the city of Durban, 1901-1902, New Contree 48, 2000, pp. 86-102 (in collaboration with A. Wohlberg).
  • (26) An assessment of the British military strategy during the Anglo-Boer War up to 'Black Week', December 1899, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 27(2), May 2002, pp. 1-21.
  • (27) Lord Roberts en die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n kritiese evaluering van sy opperbevelhebberskap na verloop van honderd jaar [Lord Roberts and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a critical evaluation of his commandership after 100 years], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 27(2), May 2002, pp. 45-67.
  • (28) Onwaarskynlike ambassadeurs: vlagvertoonvaarte deur Suid-Afrikaanse oorlogskepe, 1922-2002 [Unlikely ambassadors: flag-showing cruises by South African warships, 1922-2002], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 27(3), December 2002, pp. 54-81.
  • (29) The Anglo-Boer War centennial: a critical evaluation, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 27(3), December 2002, pp. 125-144 (in collaboration with A-K. Evaldsson).
  • (30) Religion and recreation in the Merebank Concentration Camp, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis / South African Journal of Cultural History 16(2), November 2002, pp. 46-65 (in collaboration with A. Wohlberg).
  • (31) 'n Snelontplooiingsmag vir Afrika: enkele historiese perspektiewe [A rapid deployment force for Africa: a few historical perspectives], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 28(1), June 2003, pp. 1-15.
  • (32) To commemorate or not to commemmorate: three important commemorative events in twentieth-century South Africa, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 28(1), June 2003, pp. 62-82 (in collaboration with A-K. Evaldsson).
  • (33) The British view of a war in South Africa (1899), Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 28(2), September 2003, pp. 153-167.
  • (34) The British Army in 1899: problems that hampered preparations for war in South Africa, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 28(2), September 2003, pp. 168-189.
  • (35) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se eerste fregat-era, 1944-1985(1): die 'Loch'-klas en SAS Vrystaat [The South African Navy's first frigate era, 1944-1985(1): the 'Loch' class and SAS Vrystaat], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 28(3), December 2003, pp. 29-43.
  • (36) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se eerste fregat-era, 1944-1985 (2): die 'President'-klas fregatte [The South African Navy's first frigate era, 1944-1985 (2): the 'President' class frigates], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 29(1), Junie 2004, pp. 27-41.
  • (37) The African Renaissance: a brief historical review, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 29(1), Junie 2004, pp. 82-99 (in collaboration with A-K. Evaldsson).
  • (38) Snelstomers: torpedojaers in Suid-Afrikaanse vlootdiens, 1950-1975 [Greyhounds: destroyers in South African naval service, 1950-1975], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 29(2), September 2004, pp. 25-42.
  • (39) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag, 1994-2004(1): slagorde en transformasie [The South African National Defence Force, 1994-2004 (1): order of battle and transformation], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 29(3), Desember 2004, pp. 168-183.
  • (40) Black people and race relations in the largest Anglo-Boer War concentration camp: Merebank, 1901-1902, New Contree 49, April 2005, pp. 33-47 (in collaboration with A. Wohlberg).
  • (41) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag, 1994-2004 (2): 'n dekade van ingrypende uitdagings [The South African National Defence Force, 1994-2004 (2): a decade of far-reaching challenges], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 30(1), June 2005, pp. 103-118.
  • (42) Duikbote in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot: die eerste fase, 1970-2003. 'n Kort historiese evaluering (1): agtergrond [Submarines in the South African Navy: the first phase, 1970-2003. A short historical evaluation (1): background], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 30(2), September 2005, pp. 180-194.
  • (43) Did Adolf Hitler have syphilis?, South African Medical Journal 95(10), October 2005, pp. 750, 752, 754, 756 (in collaboration with F.P. Retief).
  • (44) Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) se siektegeskiedenis [Adolf Hitler's (1889-1945) medical history, Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 45(4), Desember 2005, pp. 425-442 (in collaboration with F.P. Retief).
  • (45) Duikbote in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot: die eerste fase, 1970-2003. 'n Kort historiese evaluering (2): van die ou na die nuwe Suid-Afrika [Submarines in the South African Navy: the first phase, 1970-2003. A short historical evaluation (2): from the old to the new South Africa], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 30(3), December 2005, pp. 92-108.
  • (46) Die stryd teen Nippan: Suid-Afrika en Japan, 1941-1945 [The struggle against Nippon: South Africa and Japan, 1941-1945], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 30(3), December 2005, pp. 222-241.
  • (47) Buitelandse vlagvertoonbesoeke aan Suid-Afrikaanse hawens (1): vanaf die V.O.C.-tydperk tot 1961 [Foreign flag-showing visits to South African harbours (1): from the V.O.C. period to 1961], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 31(1), June 2006, pp. 81-98.
  • (48) Buitelandse vlagvertoonbesoeke aan Suid-Afrikaanse hawens (2): die periode van fluktuerende internasionale betrekkinge, 1961-94 [Foreign flag-showing visits to South African harbours (2): the period of fluctuating international relations, 1961-94], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 31(2), September 2006, pp. 78-102.
  • (49) The South African Navy during the years of conflict in Southern Africa, 1966-1989, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 31(3), December 2006, pp. 283-303.
  • (50) Skout-admiraal André Burgers se vlootherinneringe aan die jare van die ‘Grensoorlog’, 1966-1989, [Scout-admiral André Burgers’ naval reminiscences re the years of the ‘Border War’, 1966-1989] Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 31(3), December 2006, pp. 304-325.
  • (51) Buitelandse vlagvertoonbesoeke aan Suid-Afrikaanse hawens (3): die eerste dekade van die nuwe RSA [Foreign flag-showing visits to South African harbours (3): the first decade of the new RSA], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 32(1), June 2007, pp. 222-244.
  • (52) Die veranderende silhoeët van bruidsuitrustings, 1830-1930 [The changing silhouette of bridal gowns, 1830-1930], Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 23(4), September 2007, pp. 121-144 (in collaboration with S. Havenga).
  • (53) Herinneringe: diegene wat my besiel en beïnvloed het / Reminiscences: Those who inspired and influenced me, Historia 52(2), November 2007, pp. 267-276 (in collaboration with C. Saunders, J. Carruthers and F.J. Nöthling).
  • (54) Vrees as faktor in die regse blanke politiek in Suid-Afrika tydens die eerste dekade van die apartheidsera, 1948-1958 [Fear as factor in right-wing politics in South Africa in the first decade of the apartheid era, 1948-1958], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 32(2), December 2007, pp. 78-94. (in collaboration with D. du Bruyn).
  • (55) Veertig jaar se ondersteuning ter see. Gevegsteunskepe in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot, 1967-2007 (1): SAS Tafelberg en SAS Drakensberg [Forty years of support at sea. Combat support ships in the South African Navy, 1967-2007(1) SAS Tafelberg and SAS Drakensberg], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 32(2), December 2007, pp. 164-182.
  • (56) Josef Stalin (1878-1953) se fisiese en psigiese gesondheid [Josef Stalin’s (1878-1953) physical and psychological health], Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 48(2), June 2008, pp. 217-232 (in collaboration with F. Retief).
  • (57) Vrees as faktor in die regse blanke politiek in Suid-Afrika tydens die tweede dekade van die apartheidsera, 1958-1969 [Fear as factor in right-wing politics in South Africa during the second decade of the apartheid era, 1958-1969], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 33(1), June 2008, pp. 1-16 (in collaboration with D. du Bruyn)
  • (58) The 1977 United Nations mandatory arms embargo against South Africa: a historical perspective after 30 years, Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 33(1), June 2008, pp. 70-86 (in collaboration with L. Marx).
  • (59) Veertig jaar se ondersteuning ter see. Gevegsteunskepe in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot, 1967-2007 (2): SAS Drakensberg en SAS Outeniqua [Forty years of support at sea. Combat support ships in the South African Navy, 1967-2007(2) SAS Drakensberg and SAS Outeniqua], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 33(1), Junie 2008, pp. 143-161.
  • (60) Was Stalin mad?, South African Medical Journal 98(7), July 2008, pp. 526-528 (in collaboration with F.P. Retief).
  • (61) Vrees as faktor in regse blanke politiek in Suid-Afrika: die eerste fase van die era van volwaardige regse politieke partye, 1969-1975 [Fear as factor in right-wing white politics in South Africa: the first phase of the era of full-fledged right-wing political parties, 1969-1975], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 33(3), December 2008, pp. 18-35 (in collaboration with D. du Bruyn).
  • (62) Sestig jaar se mynteenmaatreëlwerk in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot, 1947-2007(1): die “Algerine”- en “Ton”-klas mynveërs, 1947-1966 [Sixty years of mine countermeasures in the South African Navy, 1947-2007(1): the “Algerine” and “Ton” class minesweepers, 1947-1966], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 33(3), December 2008, pp. 174-188.
  • (63) The development of military chaplaincy, with special reference to South Africa (up to 1966). Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(1), February 2009, pp. 298-317 (in collaboration with I. Bredenkamp).
  • (64) Military chaplaincy in the South African Defence Force during the Namibian War of Independence, 1966-1989. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(1), Febrary 2009, pp. 318-338 (in collaboration with I. Bredenkamp).
  • (65) Suid-Afrikaanse kapelane in ’n era van militêre konflik, 1966-1989: enkele persoonlike ervarings en perspektiewe [South African chaplains in an era of military conflict, 1966-1989: some personal experiences and perspectives]. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(1), February 2009, pp. 339-360 (in collaboration with I. Bredenkamp).
  • (66) Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976): his habits and his health. South African Medical Journal 99(5), May 2009, pp. 302-305 (in collaboration with F.P. Retief).
  • (67) Lord Roberts: Koningin Victoria se “ander generaal” [Lord Roberts: Queen Victoria’s “other general”]. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(2), June 2009, pp. 1-18.
  • (68) Lord Kitchener en die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): ’n evaluering van sy opperbevelhebberskap [Lord Kitchener and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): an evaluation of his supreme command]. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(2), June 2009, pp. 19-38.
  • (69) Op weg na die politieke draaipunt van 1948: drie eeue van vrees as faktor in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika [En route to the political turning point of 1948: three centuries of fear as a factor in the history of South Africa]. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(2), June 2009, pp. 62-85 (in collaboration with D. du Bruyn).
  • (70) An historical perspective on the influence of the military environment on chaplaincy, with special reference to the Namibian War of Independence, 1966-1989. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(2), June 2009, pp. 105-125 (in collaboration with I. Bredenkamp).
  • (71) The Hellenic School in Bloemfontein. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(2), June 2009, pp. 147-168.
  • (72) Om die toekoms van ons verlede te verseker: fasette betreffende die aard en uitdagings van die geskiedenis-as-wetenskap vandag in Suid-Afrika. [To ensure the future of our past: aspects with regard to the nature of and challenges faced by history as a science in South Africa today]. Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(2), June 2009, pp. 235-247.
  • (73) Bloemfontein’s Greek community: historical background, emigration and settlement, ca 1885-ca 1985, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuur-geskiedenis/South African Journal for Cultural History 23(2) November 2009, pp. 19-37 (in collaboration with G. Katoleon).
  • (74) Vrees as faktor in regse blanke politiek in Suid-Afrika: die tweede fase van volwaardige regse politieke partye, 1976-1982 [Fear as factor in right-wing white politics in South Africa: the second phase of the era of full-fledged right-wing political parties, 1976-1982], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(3), December 2009, pp. 91-110 (in collaboration with D. du Bruyn).
  • (75) Sestig jaar se mynteenmaatreëlswerk in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot, 1947-2007 (2): die “oorlogsjare”, 1966-1989 [Sixty years of mine counter-measures in the South African Navy, 1947-2007 (2): the “war years”, 1966-1989], Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 34(3), December 2009, pp. 190-206.



  • (1) Anglo-Boer War diary of Herbert Gwynne Howell (editing, annotations and introduction by A. Wessels). Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1986. 218pp. ISBN 0 7969 0287 9.
  • (2) Die oorlogsherinneringe van kommandant Jacob Petrus Neser [The war reminiscences of Commandant Jacob Petrus Neser] (editing, annotations and introduction by A. Wessels), Christiaan de Wet-annale 7. Pretoria, 1988. 134pp. ISSN 0379-4695.
  • (3) Egodokumente: persoonlike ervaringe uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902. [Ego documents: personal experiences from the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902] (editor-in-chief: A. Wessels). Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1993. 208pp. ISBN 0-9583757-5-5.
  • (4) Lord Roberts and the war in South Africa 1899-1902 (compiled, edited, annotated and background history written by A. Wessels). Stroud (England): Sutton Publishing Limited, 2000. xxix + 366pp. ISBN 0 7509 2555 8.
  • (5) Lord Kitchener and the war in South Africa 1899-1902 (compiled, edited, annotated and background history written by A. Wessels). Stroud (England): Sutton Publishing Limited, 2006. xxxvi + 371 pp. ISBN 0 7503 4557 5.


  • (1) Britse fortifikasies in die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) [British fortifications in the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)]. Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1997 (co-author: J. Hattingh). viii + 159pp. ISBN 1-874979-10-3.

Chapters in books

  • (1) "Die wese, doel en taak van annotering" [The nature and purpose of annotation] in A. Wessels (editor-in-chief), Egodokumente: persoonlike ervaringe uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 (Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1993), pp. 3-24. ISBN 0-9583757-5-5.
  • (2) "The Anglo-Boer War diary of Major H.S. Jeudwine" in A. Wessels (editor-in-chief), Egodokumente: persoonlike ervaringe uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 (Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1993), pp. 52-91. ISBN 0-9583757-5-5.
  • (3) "Die beleid van die belangrikste partye in Suid-Afrika met betrekking tot herdistribusie" [The policy of the most important parties in South Africa re redistribution] in D.J. Kriek and P. Labuschagne (eds.), Politieke verandering in Suid-Afrika 4: Herdistribusie (Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1996), pp. 197-232. ISBN 0-7969-1773-6.
  • (4) "The Empire goes to war: South Africa and the First World War, 1914-1918" in P.B. Boyden, A.J. Guy and M. Harding (eds), "Ashes and blood": the British Army in South Africa 1795-1914 (London: National Army Museum, 1999), pp. 116-130. ISBN 0901 721 36 0.
  • (5) "Afrikaners at war" in J. Gooch (ed.), The Boer War: direction, experience and image (London (UK) and Portland (USA): Frank Cass, 2000), pp. 73-106, 259-265. ISBN 0-7146-5101-X.
  • (6) "Visions and the future of Africa: a South African perspective" in O. Adesida and A. Oteh (eds), African voices, African visions (Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute, 2001), pp. 193-208. ISBN 91-7106-472-9.
  • (7) “Frederick Roberts” in S.J. Corvi and I.F.W. Beckett (eds), Victoria’s generals (Barnsley: Sword & Penn, 2009), pp. 165-193. ISBN 978 1 84415 918 5.

Dictionary of South African Biography

Articles by A. Wessels about the following people were published in the Suid-Afrikaanse Biografiese Woordeboek 5 (Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1987), with English translations in the Dictionary of South African Biography 5 (Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1987):

  • (1) C.A.L. Berrange (co-author) (pp. 45-46)
  • (2) C.W.H. Douglas (pp. 207-208)
  • (3) W.G. Knox (p. 417)
  • (4) D.E. Schutte (p. 697)

Oxford Dictionary of national Biography

An article by A. Wessels on the following person was published in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004):

* G.F.R. Henderson

An article by A. Wessels on the following person was published in the on-line version of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2006):

* A. Fischer

Contributions in encyclopaedias

Articles by A. Wessels about the following people or topics were published in S. Sandler (ed.), Ground warfare: an international encyclopedia (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2002; ISBN 1-57607-733-0):

  • (1) C.R. de Wet (volume 1, pp. 234-235)
  • (2) I.S.M. Hamilton (volume 2, pp. 357-358)
  • (3) P.E. von Lettow-Vorbeck (volume 2, pp. 498-499)
  • (4) Lobengula (volume 2, pp. 507-508)
  • (5) South Africa / Namibia (1960-2000) (volume 3, pp. 825-826)

Smaller monographs

  • (1) Die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n oorsig van die militêre verloop van die stryd [The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a review of the military course of the struggle]. Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1991. 68 pp. ISBN 0-620-16333-X.
  • (2) Navorsingsmateriaal oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) by die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut, Amsterdam [Research material re the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) at the South African Institute, Amsterdam]. Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1997. 106 pp. ISBN 1-874979-08-1.
  • (3) The phases of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902. Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1998. 61 pp. ISBN 1-8749-79-12-X.
  • (4) Die militêre rol van swart mense, bruin mense en Indiërs tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) [The military role of blacks, coloureds and Indians during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)]. Bloemfontein: War Museum, 1998. 52 pp. ISBN 1-874979-07-3.
  • (5) South Africa's frigates and destroyers 1944-1985 (Naval Digest 11). Simon's Town: The Naval Heritage Society of South Africa, 2006. vii + 63 pp. plus 22 pp. with photos. ISBN 0 620 35370 8.


  • (1) Contree – die eerste tien jaar. 'n Ontleding en evaluering van die inhoud van Contree se eerste twintig uitgawes [Contree – the first ten years. An analysis and evaluation of the contents of Contree's first twenty editions]. Pretoria: Human Sciences Reseach Counsil, 1987. v + 34 pp.
  • (2) Suid-Afrikaanse verhandelinge en proefskrifte oor die geskiedenis van die Anglo-Boereoorlog: 'n bronnestudie [South African masters' and doctoral theses about the history of the Anglo-Boer War: a source study]. Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1987. vi + 37 pp. ISBN 0 7969 0558 4.
  • (3) Die invloed van relevante kommissieverslae sedert Uniewording op regeringsbeleid ten opsigte van swart verstedeliking en streekontwikkeling [The influence of relevant commission reports since Unification on government policy re black urbanization and regional development] (in co-operation with A.P. Smit and M.E. Wentzel). Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council, 1989. xii + 220 pp. ISBN 0 7969 0755 2.

Other articles

  • (1) Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot: verlede, hede en toekoms – 'n kort kritiese evaluering [The South African Navy: past, present and future – a short critical evaluation], Militaria 11(3), 1981, pp. 9-19 and 11(4), 1981, pp. 18-28.
  • (2) Geskiedenis-as-wetenskap en "skoolgeskiedenis" [History as a science, and 'school history'], Oorsprong, mondstuk van die Afrikaanse Geskiedenisonderwysersvereniging (Natal) 6(1), March 1983, pp. 6-9.
  • (3) Geskiedenis-as-wetenskap – ook in die skoolklaskamer [History as a science – also in the school classroom], Yesterday and Today 11, April 1986, pp. 21-23.
  • (4) Die Simonstadse Ooreenkoms [The Simon's Town Agreement], Yesterday and Today 14, September 1987, pp. 18-21.
  • (5) Die veggeneraal van Colesberg: Hendrik Lategan en die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 1899-1902 [The combat general of Colesberg: Hendrik Lategan and the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902], Military History Journal 7(5), June 1988, pp. 185-192, 199.
  • (6) 'n Perd van 'n ander kleur [A horse of a different colour]: SAS Somerset (1942-1986), Militaria 18(4), 1988, pp. 1-4.
  • (7) Die beveiliging van argiewe: probleme en frustrasies wat die navorser ondervind [The safeguarding of archives: problems and frustrations experienced by researchers], S.A. Archives Journal 31, 1989, pp. 25-37.
  • (8) Uitdagings vir die geskiedenisonderwyser: enkele vakinhoudelike perspektiewe [Challenges facing the history teacher: a few perspectives on the content of the subject], The Free State Teacher 85(3), March 1995, pp. 15-18.
  • (9) Geskiedenis op skool in die branding: enkele historiese perspektiewe [History in the cauldron: a few historical perspectives], Yesterday and Today 29, May 1995, pp. 51-56.
  • (10) South Africa and the war against Japan 1941-1945, Military History Journal 10(3), June 1996, pp. 81-90, 120.
  • (11) The first two years of war: the development of the Union Defence Forces (UDF), September 1939 to September 1941, Military History Journal, 11(5), June 2000, pp. 165-172, 185.
  • (12) Die herdenking van historiese gebeurtenisse [The commemoration of historical events], Werkswinkel: A Journal of Low Countries and South African Studies 1(1), 2006, pp. 147-166 (in collaboration with A-K. Evaldsson).
  • (13) Onkunde omtrent verlede kan tot historiese geheueverlies lei [Ignorance about the past can lead to historical amnesia], Woord en Daad/Word and Action, Winter 2007, pp. 23-25.
  • (14) Trauma tydens en na afloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899 tot 1902: enkele historiese perspektiewe [Trauma during and in the wake of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902: A few historical perspectives], Knapsak 20(2), August 2008, pp. 1-30. (See also 12.6(26).)

Papers delivered at national conferences, etc.

  • (1) Fagan en Tomlinson: twee perspektiewe ten opsigte van verstedeliking [Fagan and Tomlinson: two perspectives on urbanization]. Paper delivered at a congress of the South African Historical Society, Stellenbosch, 21.1.1987, in collaboration with A.P. Smit.
  • (2) Die rol van politieke faktore in die formulering van die Suid-Afrikaanse verstedelikingsbeleid: 'n historiese perspektief [The role of political factors in the formulation of the South African urbanization policy: an historical perspective]. Paper delivered at an international conference re population development in Southern Africa, Johannesburg, 13.10.1988.
  • (3) Geskiedenis op skool in die branding: enkele historiese perspektiewe [History in the cauldron: a few historical perspectives]. Paper delivered at a history teacher's symposium, Kroonstad, 28.10.1994.
  • (4) The same as (3), but delivered in Bloemfontein, 29.10.1994.
  • (5) Navorsingsmateriaal oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) in die Van Riebeeckhuis, Amsterdam [Research material re the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) in the Van Riebeeck House, Amsterdam]. Paper delivered at the first bilateral conference of Dutch and South African historians, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, 4.7.1997.
  • (6) Transport: a dynamic cultural phenomenon. Concluding paper delivered at the South African Society for Cultural History's Congress, Vereeniging, 26.9.1997.
  • (7) The military role of blacks, coloureds and Indians during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). Paper delivered at a School of Armour Museum evening, Bloemfontein, 12.8.1998.
  • (8) The guerrilla phase of the Anglo-Boer War. Paper delivered at a School of Armour Museum evening, Bloemfontein, 14.10.1998.
  • (9) The Boer strategy at the beginning of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). Paper delivered at an Anglo-Boer War centennial conference, Bloemfontein, 12.10.1999.
  • (10) Die Anglo-Boereoorlog en die Afrikaanse letterkunde. [The Anglo-Boer War and the Afrikaans literature]. Paper delivered at the National Afrikaans Literature Museum and Research Centre, Bloemfontein, 31.5.2000.
  • (11) Die Afrikaners en die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n kritiese evaluering na verloop van 100 jaar [The Afrikaners and the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a critical evaluation after 100 years]. Bitter-ender memorial lecture, War Museum, Bloemfontein, 1.6.2000.
  • (12) The participation of blacks in the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a critical review. Paper delivered at a conference on the role of blacks in the Anglo-Boer War, Durban, 29.8.2000.
  • (13) Militêre strategie tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n herbesinning [Military strategy during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a reappraisal]. Thirtieth J.B.M. Hertzog memorial lecture, Pretoria, 19.9.2001.
  • (14) Die Afrika-Renaissance: uitdagings vir die akademikus – 'n algemene oriëntering [The African Renaissance: challenges for academics – a general orientation]. Paper delivered at a history seminar, Pretoria, 31.1.2002.
  • (15) Yesterday's history for today and tomorrow. Paper delivered at a workshop of the South African History Project, Bloemfontein, 8.5.2002.
  • (16) The same as (15), but delivered in Kimberley, 10.5.2002.
  • (17) Die honderdjarige herdenking van die Anglo-Boereoorlog: 'n kritiese evaluering [The Anglo-Boer War centennial: a critical evaluation]. Paper delivered at an Anglo-Boer War conference, Bloemfontein, 25.5.2002, in collaboration with A-K. Evaldsson.
  • (18) Die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) en die Afrikaanse letterkunde: 'n herwaardering [The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) and the Afrikaans literature: a reappraisal]. Paper delivered at a conference re the Anglo-Boer War and fiction, University of South Africa, Pretoria, 28.5.2002.
  • (19) The South African Navy's first frigate era, 1944-1985. Paper delibered at a congress of the South African Historical Society, Bloemfontein, 30.6.2003.
  • (20) To remember or not to remember: three important commemorative events in twentieth-century South Africa. Paper delivered at a congress of the South African Historical Society, Bloemfontein, 1.7.2003, in collaboration with A-K. Evaldsson.
  • (21) Om die toekoms van ons verlede te verseker / Ensuring the future of our past. Inaugural lecture, University of the Free State, 15.4.2004.
  • (22) The value of S.A. Media's cutting service as well as the document collections of the Archive for Contemporary Affairs in my working environment as an academic. Paper delivered at a seminar when the "New S.A. Media" was launched, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 10.3.2006.
  • (23) A rapid reaction force for Africa, with special reference to Southern Africa and the role that the South African National Defence Force can play. Paper delivered at the 33rd congress of the International Commission of Military History, Cape Town, 17.8.2007.
  • (24) How to publish and not to perish. Paper delivered at a pre-conference workshop of the South African Communication Association, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 19.9.2007.
  • (25) Omstrede skooleed, omstrede hede, en selfs nog meer omstrede verlede: enkele historiese perspektiewe op weg na ‘n beter toekoms/Controversial school oath, controversial present, and an even more controversial past: a few perspectives on the road to a better future. Address delivered at a Faculty of Theology seminar, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 13.5.2008.
  • (26) Trauma tydens en na afloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899 tot 1902: enkele historiese perspektiewe [Trauma during and in the wake of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902: a few historical perspectives]. Bitter-ender memorial lecture, War Museum, Bloemfontein, 29.5.2008. (See also 12.5 (14).)

Papers delivered at conferences, etc. abroad

  • (1) Geskiedenisonderwys en historiese bewussyn in Suid-Afrika [History teaching and historical consciousness in South Africa]. Paper delivered at a siminar for history teachers, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, 21.4.1993.
  • (2) South Africa and the Second World War: the decisive first two years (September 1939 - September 1941), with special reference to the home front. Paper delivered at the eighth multidisciplinary conference on the fiftieth anniversary of World War II, Siena College, Loudonville, USA, 3.6.1993.
  • (3) Afrikaners at war. Paper delivered at an Anglo-Boer War centennial conference, University of Leeds, England, 2.10.1999.
  • (4) Lord Roberts and the war in South Africa (1899-1902): a reappraisal. Annual Army Records Society lecture, National Army Museum, London, 22.11.2000.
  • (5) Conflict and collateral damage in twentieth-century South Africa: the traumatic legacy of the Anglo-Boer War of 1899 to 1902. Paper delivered at a conference on " 'Collateral damage': civilian casualties from Antiquity through the Gulf Wars", Munk Centre, University of Toronto, Canada, 29.5.2004.
  • (6) Lord Kitchener and the war in South Africa (1899-1902): a reappraisal. Annual Army Records Society lecture, Horse Guards, London, 27.11.2006.
  • (7) The Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) and its consequences: a South African case study of military conflict and the civilian population. Paper delivered at the 34th congress of the International Commission of Military History, Trieste, Italy, 5.9.2008.
  • (8) The South African Navy and its predecessors, 1910-2009: a century of interaction with Commonwealth navies. Paper delivered at the King-Hall Naval History Conference, Canberra, Australia, 30.7.2009.
  • (9) The 1977 United Nations mandatory arms embargo against South Africa: a historical perspective after 30 years. Lecture at a meeting of the Defence Studies Forum, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia, 5.8.2009.
  • (10) South Africa and warfare in the age of Napoleon: a comparative analysis of the British occupation of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 and in 1806. Paper delivered at the 35th congress of the International Commission of Military History, Porto, Portugal, 31.8.2009.

Book reviews

  • (1) K. Schoeman (ed.), Die herinneringe van J.C. de Waal in South African Journal for Cultural and Art History 1(3), September 1987, p. 242.
  • (2) K. Schoeman (ed.), The Bloemfontein diary of Lieut. W.J. St John 1852-53 in South African Journal for Cultural and Art History 2(4), October 1988, pp. 277-278.
  • (3) C.J. Barnard, Die vyf swemmers: die ontsnapping van Willie Steyn en vier medekrygsgevangenes uit Ceylon 1901 in Contree: journal for South African urban and regional history 22, April 1989, p. 32.
  • (4) K. Schoeman (ed.), The early days of the Free State: Charles Warden, W.D. Savage, Martha Jane Kirk in South African Journal for Cultural and Art History 3(4), October 1989, pp. 346-347.
  • (5) M. Sienaert - van Reenen, Die Franse bydrae tot Africana-literatuur 1622-1902 in Historia 34(2), November 1989, pp. 123-124.
  • (6) T. Sutton-Pryce, Zimbabwe: a model for Namibia? A comparison of events in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia 1979-'80 with the situation in SWA in 1989 in Die Volksblad, 22.1.1990, p. 5.
  • (7) S.P.R. Oosthuizen (ed.), Notule van die Volksraad van die Oranje-Vrystaat (met bylaes), Deel VII (1863) (in Suid-Afrikaanse Argiefstukke: Oranje-Vrystaat No. 7) in Historia 36(1), May 1991, pp. 90-91.
  • (8) D. Cammack, The Rand at war 1899-1902: the Witwatersrand and the Anglo-Boer War in Contree: journal for South African urban and regional history 30, October 1991, pp. 36-37.
  • (9) G.S. and E.M. Nienaber, Die Nienabers van Suidelike Afrika in Die Volksblad, 15.6.1992, p. 8.
  • (10) K. Schoeman (ed.), The missionary letters of Gottlob Schreiner 1837-1846 in South African Journal for Cultural History 6(3), July 1992, p. 118.
  • (11) K. Schoeman (ed.), The Wesleyan mission in the Orange Free State 1833-1854 as described in contemporary accounts in South African Journal for Cultural History 7(2), April 1993, p. 39.
  • (12) K. Schoeman (ed.), The British presence in the Transorange 1845-1854 in Historia 38(1), May 1993, pp. 98-99.
  • (13) R. Kasrils, Armed and dangerous: my undercover struggle against apartheid in Die Volksblad, 10.1.1994, p. 6.
  • (14) J. Geldenhuys, Dié wat wen: 'n generaal se storie uit 'n era van oorlog en vrede in Die Volksblad, 24.1.1994, p. 6.
  • (15) J. Ploeger, Nederlanders in Transvaal in Die Volksblad, 24.10.1994, p. 7.
  • (16) K. Schoeman, Die kort sendingloopbaan van Sophia Burgmann, 1805-1812 in Die Volksblad, 28.11.1994, p. 8.
  • (17) C.J. Nöthling, Suid-Afrika in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog (1914-1918) in Springbok: Mouthpiece of the South African Legion 78, February 1996, p. 10.
  • (18) G.J. Schutte, De Boerenoorlog na honderd jaar: opstellen over het veranderende beeld van de Anglo-Boerenoorlog (1899-1902) in Zuid-Afrika (Amsterdam) 74(7), July-August 1997, p. 138.
  • (19) V. Harris, Exploring archives: an introduction to archival ideas and practice in South Africa in Historia 42(2), November 1997, pp. 112-114.
  • (20) J.H. Breytenbach, Die geskiedenis van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog in Suid-Afrika, 1899-1902 (part 6) in Historia 42(2), November 1997, pp. 114-116.
  • (21) T. Sono, Dilemmas of African intellectuals in South Africa: political and cultural constraints in Journal for Contemporary History 23(1), June 1998, pp. 137-139.
  • (22) M. van Meurs, J.C. Smuts: staatsman, holist, generaal in Die Volksblad, 6.4.1998, p. 8.
  • (23) J. Taitz (ed.), The war memoirs of Commandant Ludwig Krause 1899-1900 in Kleio 30, 1998, pp. 189-190.
  • (24) G.J. Schutte, De Boerenoorlog na honderd jaar: opstellen over het veranderende beeld van de Anglo-Boerenoorlog (1899-1902) in South African Historical Journal 38, May 1998, pp. 245-247.
  • (25) K. Schoeman (ed.), Witnesses to war: personal documents of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) from the collections of the South African Library in Die Volksblad, 23.11.1998, p. 6.
  • (26) A.Z. Zungu, Usukabekhuluma and the Bhambatha Rebellion in Die Volksblad, 23.11.1998, p. 6.
  • (27) A. Davidson and I. Filatova, The Russians and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 in South African Historical Journal 39, November 1998, pp. 240-241.
  • (28) K. Schoeman (ed.), Witnesess to war: personal documents of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902) from the collections of the South African Library in Kleio 31, 1999, pp. 185-187.
  • (29) H.O. Terblanche, Nederland en die Afrikaner: die paginaruil tussen Trouw en Die Burger 1963-1964 in South African Historical Journal 40, May 1999, pp. 318-320.
  • (30) D.W. Krynauw, Beslissing by Blouberg: triomf en tragedie van die stryd om die Kaap in Die Volksblad, 5.7.1999, p. 8.
  • (31) R. van Reenen (ed.), Boer War letters (2nd edition) in Die Volksblad, 6.9.1999, p. 8.
  • (32) S.M. Miller, Lord Methuen and the British Army: failure and redemption in South Africa in The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 28(2), January 2000, pp. 183-184.
  • (33) C. Nordbruch, Die europäischen Freiwilligen im Burenkrieg 1899-1902 / Les volontaires européens de la guerre des Boers 1988-1902 / The European volunteers in the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 in Die Volksblad, "Bonus", 4.3.2000, p. 7.
  • (34) K. Schoeman, Armosyn van die Kaap: voorspel tot vestiging, 1415-1651 in Die Volksblad, 6.3.2000, p. 8.
  • (35) R.M. Brits, Waaksame skans: die Tweetoringkerk Bloemfontein 1848-1998 in Die Volksblad, 10.4.2000, p. 8.
  • (36) P.G. Cloete, The Anglo-Boer War: a chronology in Die Volksblad, 17.4.2000, p. 8.
  • (37) M.C.E. van Schoor (ed.), A bibliography of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 in Die Volksblad, 29.5.2000, p. 8.
  • (38) B. Nasson, The South African War 1899-1902 in Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 28(2), May 2000, pp. 138-139.
  • (39) N.E. Sonderling (ed.), New dictionary of South African biography, vol. 2 in Journal for Contemporary History 25(1), June 2000, pp. 111-113.
  • (40) P. Dennis and J. Grey (eds), The Boer War: army, nation and empire in South African Journal for Cultural History 14(1), June 2000, pp. 111-112.
  • (41) P. Labuschagne, Skimruiters van die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): die rol en bydrae van die agterryers in Die Volksblad, 5.6.2000, p. 8.
  • (42) B. Theron, Pretoria at war 1899-1902 in Die Volksblad, 7.8.2000, p. 6.
  • (43) A.P. Smit (eds), Gedenkboek van M.J. de Jager: Boerekryger, staatsartilleris en militaris in Die Volksblad, 11.9.2000, p. 6.
  • (44) E. Wessels, They fought on foreign soil in Die Volksblad, 19.3.2001, p. 6.
  • (45) = (44), reprinted in Knapsak (newsletter of the War Museum, Bloemfontein) 13(1), September 2001, pp. 11-12.
  • (46) F. Pretorius (red.), Verskroeide aarde in Die Volksblad, 10.9.2001, p. 6.
  • (47) L. Changuion, Uncle Sam, Oom Paul en John Bull: Amerika en die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 in Die Volksblad, 8.10.2001, p. 8.
  • (48) F. Pretorius, The great escape of the Boer pimpernel: Christiaan de Wet – the making of a legend in Die Volksblad 15.10.2001, p. 6.
  • (49) W.J. Verwoerd (compiler), Verwoerd: só onthou ons hom in Die Volksblad, 12.10.2001, p. 6.
  • (50) = (46), reprinted in Knapsak 13(2), December 2001, pp. 43-45.
  • (51) = (47), reprinted in Knapsak 13(2), December 2001, pp. 47-48.
  • (52) J. Lawrence, Buccaneer: a biography of Sir Joseph Benjamin Robinson, 1st Baronet in Die Volksblad, 4.2.2002, p. 6.
  • (53) D. van der Bank (compiler), 1899-1902: slagvelde, gedenktekens en grafte van die Anglo-Boereoorlog in Bloemfontein en omgewing / battlefields, monuments and graves of the Anglo-Boer War in Bloemfontein and vicinity in Die Volksblad, 4.3.2002, p. 6.
  • (54) = (53), reprinted in Knapsak 14(1), May 2002, pp. 44-46.
  • (55) J. Crawford (with E. Ellis), To fight for the Empire: an illustrated history of New Zealand and the South African War, 1899-1902 in Historia 47(1), May 2002, pp. 385-387.
  • (56) U. van der Heyden, Diplomasie en politiek: die pers, die Boererepublieke en Duitsland tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog in Die Volksblad, 29.7.2002, p. 6.
  • (57) P. Schamberger, Interlude in Switzerland: the story of the South African refugee-soldiers in the Alps during the Second World War in Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 27(1), April 2002, pp. 200-201.
  • (58) J. Wassermann en B. Kearney (eds), A warrior's gateway: Durban and the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 in Die Volksblad, 4.11.2002, p. 6.
  • (59) O.J.O. Ferreira, Montanha in Zoutpansberg: 'n Portugese handelsending van Inhambane se besoek aan Schoemansdal, 1855-1856 in Die Volksblad, 18.11.2002, p. 6.
  • (60) K. Schoeman, The Griqua captaincy of Philippolis, 1826-1861 in Die Volksblad, 25.11.2002, p. 8.
  • (61) P.B. Boyden (ed.), The British Army in Cape Colony: soldiers' letters and diaries, 1806-58 in Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis / South African Journal of Cultural history 16(2), November 2002, pp. 132-134.
  • (62) = (56), reprinted in Knapsak 14(3), December 2002, pp. 49-51.
  • (63) M. Rall, Peacable warrior: the life and times of Sol Plaatje in Die Volksblad, 18.8.2003, p. 6.
  • (64) A. Greaves, Rorke's Drift in Die Volksblad, 17.11.2003, p. 6.
  • (65) P.S. Thompson, An historical atlas of the Zulu rebellion of 1906 in The Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 82(329), 2004, pp. 91-92.
  • (66) C. Wilcox, Australia's Boer War: the war in South Africa 1899-1902 in Historia 49(1), May 2004, pp. 176-178.
  • (67) R. Hyam en P. Henshaw, The Lion and the Springbok: Britain and South Africa since the Boer War in Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis / Journal for Contemporary History 28(3), December 2003, pp. 235-236.
  • (68) N.J. Kriger, Guerrilla veterans in post-war Zimbabwe: symbolic and violent politics, 1980-1987 in South African Historical Journal/Suid-Afrikaanse Historiese Joernaal 50, 2004, pp. 284-286.
  • (69) C. Wilcox, Australia's Boer War: the war in South Africa 1899-1902 in Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 83(334), summer 2005, pp. 172-173 (an adapted version of the review referred to in (66) above).
  • (70) J. Crawford and I. McGibbon (eds), One flag, one queen, one tongue: New Zealand, the British Empire and the South African War 1899-1902 in Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 83(334), summer 2005, pp. 173-174.
  • (71) A. Duminy, François Renier Duminy 1747-1811: French mariner and South African pioneer in Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 46(3), September 2006, pp. 396-397.
  • (72) J.C. Otto, Die konsentrasiekampe in Kleio: A Journal for Historical Studies from Africa 38(1), 2006, pp. 114-117.
  • (73) I. Snyman, I. Liebenberg, G. van der Westhuizen and M. Roos (eds), A century in a short time: new perspectives on the Anglo-Boer War in Joernaal vir Eietydse Geskiedenis/Journal for Contemporary History 32(1), June 2007, pp. 245-247.
  • (74) A. Grundlingh, The dynamics of treason: Boer collaboration in the South African War of 1899-1902 in Koers 7(2-4), 2006, pp. 686-688.
  • (75) G. Hallett en P. McKenzie (eds), District Six revisited in Volksblad, 15.10.2007, p. 6.
  • (76) M.C.E. van Schoor, Die bittereinde vrede: vredespogings en onderhandelinge voor en tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902 in Volksblad, 29.10.2007, p. 10.
  • (77) A. Grundlingh, The dynamics of treason: Boer collaboration in the South African War of 1899-1902 in Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis/South African Journal of Cultural History 21(2), November 2007, pp. 208-210.
  • (78) M.C.E. van Schoor, Christiaan Rudolph de Wet: krygsman en volksman in Volksblad, 25.2.2008, p. 8.
  • (79) M. Geviser, Thabo Mbeki: the dream deferred in Volksblad, 17.3.2008, p 8.
  • (80) N. Stassen en U. van der Heyden (compilers), German publications on the Anglo-Boer War/Duitse publikasies oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog/Deutche Publikazionen über den Anglo-Burenkrieg in Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 48(2), June 2008, pp. 249-250.
  • (81) K. Schoeman, Early slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1717 in Koers 72(3), 2007, pp. 526-528.
  • (82) G.D. van der Smit, Die eensame graf by Mombolo: die lewensverhaal van Pieter van der Smit in South African Historical Journal 60(1), Maart 2008, pp. 164-166.
  • (83) C. van Wyk (red.) We write what we like: celebrating Steve Biko in Volksblad, 8.9.2008, p. 4.
  • (84) J. Grobler, The war diary of Johanna Brandt in Volksblad, 29.9.2008, p. 8.
  • (85) U. de V. Pienaar en medewerkers, Neem uit die verlede: die geskiedenis van die Laeveld en ontstaan van die Krugerwildtuin in Volksblad, 8.12.2008, p. 4.
  • (86) B. Pottinger, The Mbeki legacy in Volksblad, 26.1.2009, p. 6.
  • (87) K. Schoeman, Patrisiërs en prinse: die Europese samelewing en die stigting van ’n kolonie aan die Kaap, 1619-1715 in Volksblad, 23.2.2009, p. 6.
  • (88) H. Tyson, Blood on the path: a saga of the founding of South Africa 100 years ago in Volksblad, 1.6.2009, p. 6. (Same review published in Beeld, 6.8.2009.
  • (89) = (87) maar in gewysigde vorm in Koers 73(3), 2008, pp. 600-602.
  • (90) O.J.O. Ferreira, Da Costa Leal in die Zuid-Afrikaanse Republiek: die sekretaris van ’n Portugese diplomatieke missie se besoek aan Potchefstroom en terugreis na Lourenço Marques, 1869-1870 in Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis/South African Journal of Cultural History 23(1), June 2009, pp. 180-181.
  • (91) A. Jeffery, People’s war: new light on the struggle for South Africa in Volksblad, 26.10.2009, p. 6.
  • (92) J.L. Thompson, A wider patriotism: Alfred Milner and the British Empire in South African Historical Journal 61(3), September 2009, pp. 669-670.
  • (93) S.C. Dubin, Mounting Queen Victoria: curating change in South Africa in Volksblad, 1.2.2010, p. 6.
  • (94) A. Grundlingh & S. Swart, Radelose rebellie? Dinamika van die 1914-1915 Afrikanerrebellie in Volksblad, 8.3.2010, p. 6.

Other publications

  • (1) University, doctoral and research theses on British military history, Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research (England) 70(281), 1992, pp. 46-50. Almost exclusively comprises a list of theses that deal with the Anglo-Boer War, compiled by A. Wessels.
  • (2) 1 film review.
  • (3) 1 theatre review.
  • (4) 28 articles for newspapers.
  • (5) 12 popular articles for local journals.
  • (6) 3 popular articles for a Dutch journal.
  • (7) Collaborator with regard to the chapter by A.G. Oberholster, "Evolution of the South African society" in H.C. Marais (ed.), South Africa: perspectives on the future (Hillcrest: Owen Burgess Publishers, 1988), pp. 39-58. ISBN 0 620 115378. Also available in Afrikaans.
  • (8) Collaborator with regard to the book by F. Pretorius (ed.), Scorched earth (Cape Town: Human and Rousseau, 2001). Pp. 244-245, 250, 254-257, 265 written by A. Wessels. ISBN 0 7981 4192 1. Also available in Afrikaans.
  • (9) Brochures: Militêre strategie tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902): 'n herbesinning [Military strategy during the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902): a reappraisal]. Pretoria, 2001. iv + 24 pp. ISBN 0 949976 62 8. (See also 12.6(13), supra.)
  • (10) Electronic publications:


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