Promoting Well-being amongst Teachers and Support Staff  

The aim of PSHC 6804 Honours Community and Social Psychology Module is to equip students with the theoretical underpinnings and analytic skills relating to community psychology in order to plan, conduct (create) and evaluate a psychosocial intervention regarding specific contemporary psychosocial issues. As part of the practical component of this module, students will engage in the Promoting Wellbeing amongst Teachers and Support Staff engaged scholarship project. The community that we are working with are the teachers and teaching assistants of Lettie Fouché School, which serves children with a range of neurodevelopmental diagnoses. There are limited resources available to serve this important group. Improvements in well-being could promote higher levels of overall well-being and employee satisfaction, which could have positive implications for learners as well, as existing bodies of work indicate. Our Honours students and community partners at Lettie Fouche School will engage collaboratively in a process of planning, conducting and evaluating well-being promoting interventions which are relevant during the continued Covid-19 pandemic.

Contact person
Dr Pravani Naidoo
T: +27 51 401 2340

Office: SG 104, Psychology Building



T: +27 51 401 2240 or

Marizanne Cloete: +27 51 401 2592

Neliswa Emeni-Tientcheu: +27 51 401 2536
Phyllis Masilo: +27 51 401 9683

Humanities photo next to contact block

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