Specialisation modules (40 credits)
Students must continue in their third year of study with one specialisation.
Acting (40 credits) - THEP3700
Admission to the third-year module, THEP3700, is subject to a selection process. The module focuses on acting in a production/s and acting and directing for theatre, film and television. Arts management forms part of the module.
Film Practice (40 credits) - THEF3700
The module focuses on practical filmmaking’s pre-production, production and post-production phases. This module is theoretical and practical. Arts management also forms part of this module.
Design & Scenography (40 credits) - THDS3700
This is a theoretical and practical module. The theoretical and practical sessions in this module cover the principles of theatrical design and scenography. Arts Management also forms part of this module.
Technical Theatre Management (40 credits) - THTM3700
The module focuses on developing the student’s technical theatre technique and overall theatrical awareness. Integrating practice and theory, the module combines practical implementation with reflections and discussions on assigned technical tasks/projects. Arts Management also forms part of this module.
Theatre-Making (40 credits) - THEM3700
This module investigates various approaches to creating theatre, including writing, designing, directing and workshopping. These approaches are explored in both theory and practice. Arts management forms part of the module.