Ramblers Seminars

A list of Ramblers Seminars hosted by the International Studies Group between 2012 and 2024 follows.

6 November 2024
Joseph Jakarasi (ISG), Caregiving in a Little Corner, c. 1930s to 2024

9 October 2024
Keaobaka Tsholo (ISG), The Rise of Development Corporations in Bophuthatswana

4 September 2024
Nyasha Bushu (ISG), Cosmology and the Pathocene; Zimbabwe’s Response to the Corona Virus Pandemic

7 August 2024
Clement Masakure, (ISG), The Silicosis Set-up? The Politics of Silicosis in Colonial Zimbabwe

3 July 2024
Sibanengi Ncube (ISG), ‘There Are Far Worse Things a Man Can Do Than Smoke’: Tobacco Politics and The Framing of The Smoking-Lung Cancer Debate in Southern Rhodesia, 1950s to 1970s

8 May 2024
Audrey Maringa (ISG), ‘Healing a Nation in Crisis’: Drug Smuggling and the Pharmaceutical Industry in Zimbabwe, 2007-2017

3 April 2024
Saneze Tshayana (ISG), Ayafana Amagents, Ayafana Amajimbosi: Charting Changing Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Post-1994 South Africa

13 March 2024
Shalot Nhete (ISG), Legislation and Preventive Health in Southern Rhodesia from 1923 to 1963

21 February 2024
Nadia Gregory (University of Wollongong), Forms of Resistance: Coloured Women in the Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1940-1978


15 November 2023
Siobhán Amelia Smith (European University Institute), United Nations Sanctions against Rhodesia: evasions as economic sovereignty, protecting national interests and safeguarding business

25 October 2023
Priscillah Machinga (ISG), A Pathetic State of Affairs: Maternity Health Care, Childbirth and Indigenous Midwifery in Postcolonial Zimbabwe, 1980 – 2023

27 September 2023
Max Hufschmidt (University of Basel). A socio-medical history of Lesotho in the second half of the 20th century

30 August 2023
Innocent Dande (ISG), ‘Pestering mongrels’: Road infrastructures, interspecies relations and mobilities in the post-FTLRP period in Zimbabwe, 2008-2020

19 July 2023
Belinda Makare (ISG), ‘Dismantling State Monopoly in Cattle Marketing’, The Operations of O’Neill Meat Processors (Private) Limited Company in Wiltshire African Purchase Area, Southern Rhodesia c. 1964-1980

21 June 2023
Keaobaka Tsholo (ISG), ‘Unitary or confederal system?’: Bophuthatswana’s political participation at the transitional negotiation processes in South Africa (1990-1994)

24 May 2023
Nicola Yon, (ISG), Marginality in the Centre: Migration of skilled professionals and Social Protection in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

26 April 2023
Nyasha Bushu, (ISG), The Chinese Connexion, liberalisation of chromite mining and its effects on small scale operations in Zimbabwe’s lower Dyke since 1980

12 April 2023
George Bishi (ISG), Anti-Fascism in colonial and post-colonial Zimbabwe, 1930s to the present

15 March 2023
Joseph Jakarasi (ISG), Caregiving on the Margins of Zimbabwe’s Democratic Revolution, 1980 to 2000

22 February 2023
Lisa Hoppel (University of Vienna), ‘Entangled Visions in the “Bandung Era”: Pan-Africanism and the Anticolonial Network of the “Asian Socialist Conference” (ASC), 1950s-1960s


29 September 2018
Joyline Takudzwa Kufandirori (UFS), From repossession to dispossession, New farmer, lawlessness and the politics of security, 2000 to 2015, Zimbabwe

19 September 2018
Sibanengi Ncube (UFS), Post-war Dollar Crisis, the ‘Second Colonial Occupation’ and the Rising Fortunes of Colonial Zimbabwe’s Tobacco Industry, 1947-1957

05 September 2018
Ruhan Fourie (UFS), A Slow Awakening: The Formative Years of Beyers Naude, 1915-1960

8 August 2018
Tawanda Chambwe (UFS), The Native Trade and Production Commission of Inquiry of 1944 and the Development of African Entrepreneurship in colonial Zimbabwe, 1939-1944

6 June 2018
Abraham Mlombo (UFS), Unequal Exchanges between Southern Rhodesia and South Africa: Customs relations, 1924-1935

16 March 2018
Chris Holdridge (UFS), A Wily Boer Litigant and Saboteur: Samuel Pearson, American Neutrality, and the International Arms Trade in the Early-Twentieth Century

25 May 2018
Sibanengi Ncube (UFS), Under siege: Rhodesian Tobacco Industry and ‘the pinpricks of international sanctions’ 1966-1979

11 March 2018
Joseph Kachim (UFS), ‘The River is not to be Crossed’: Anglo-French Partition and Konkomba Cross-Border Mobility, 1914–1930s

22 March  2018
Bryson Nkoma (UFS), The Native is the Producer of the Future: Debates on Agricultural Improvement and State Interventions in Peasants' Food Security in the Chilwa Basin of Southern Malawi, 1919-1939

7 March 2018
Michael Glover (UFS), The emergence of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) in the South African mining industry, 1914–1980s

21 February 2018Lotti Nkomo (UFS), ‘A country can only have a foreign policy it can afford’: South Africa's economic reaction to Zimbabwe's independence, 1980-1982
18 October, Unaludo Sechele (UFS), From Rags to riches: Botswana's economic (in)dependence 1966-1976

27 September, Miyanda Simabwachi (UFS), Policy and preservation: the British Colonial Office, Public Records Office, and record keeping in Northern Rhodesia, 1914-1948

06 September, Bryson Nkhoma (UFS), Taiwan or Mainland China? Contestations over Malawi's Diplomatic Relations, 1961-2014

16 August, Joseph Kachim (UFS), Anglo-French Partition of Northern Togoland: Maps, False Assumptions and the Reconfiguration of Ethnic Power Relations, 1914-1940

26 July, Ana Rita Amaral (UFS), The soba of priests’: the pastoral and ethnographic voyages of D. João Evangelista Lima Vidal, Bishop of Angola and Congo (c. 1912-1913)

28 June, Sibanengi Ncube (UFS), Value Chain Dynamics in the Making of a Rural Export Industry: Golden Spiderweb and Women Knitters of Chirumhanzu, Zimbabwe, 1991-2000

14 June, Eleanor Bron-Swart (UFS), Monarchists and traitors: Newspaper framing of group identities and Verwoerd’s ‘unified white’ republic

31 May, George Bishi (UFS), Restitution, Claims and Succession: Chieftainship Contestations in Zimbabwe, c.1950 to present

10 May, Victor Gwande (UFS), Federation, Factories and Foreign Capital: Economic Growth in Southern Rhodesia, 1953-1956

22 March, Hyden Munene (UFS), Profitability of the Copperbelt Copper Mines during the Great Depression, 1932-1939

01 February,  Ivo Mhike (UFS), Intersections of sexual delinquency and sub normality: White female Juvenile delinquency in Southern Rhodesia, 1930s to 1949

25 January, Anusa Daimon (UFS), Settling in Motion: Nyasa Clandestine Migration through Southern Rhodesia into the Union of South Africa: 1920s-1950s


9 November, Cornelis Muller (UFS), 'Between badge and badger is only a question of degree’: Policing the Cape Coloured community on the Witwatersrand, 1886-1899

12 October, Chris Holdridge (UFS), Securing the Empire through Exile: The South African War and Boer Prisoner-of-War Camps Overseas

21 September, Hyden Munene (UFS),  Profitability of the Copperbelt Mines During the Great Depression, 1929-1939

17 August, Admire Mseba (UFS), Late Precolonial Struggles, European Expansion and the Making of Colonial Authority in Northeastern Zimbabwe, c.1840-1903

8 June, David Patrick (UFS), Bought and Sold for Hype in Bold? The Framing of the Scottish Independence Debate in Daily Newspapers

11 May, Jack Hogan (UFS), ‘It has come time to stop’: A critical engagement with Anglo Zulu War studies

13 April, Rosa Williams (UFS), Being seen to care: the spectacle of the medical mission in Southern Mozambique at the turn of the twentieth century

16 March, Danelle van Zyl-Hermann (UFS), Supplanting the state: Reading post-apartheid Afrikaner minority politics in local and global context

2 March, Kundai Manamere (UFS), Creating ‘healthy islands of white through islands of control’: White Settlement, Economic Development and DDT Experiments in the South Eastern Lowveld of Southern Rhodesia, 1940s to 1950s


23 September, Mari-Anne Okkolin,(UFS) ‘Even a Gerbil Can Fit in' -Finnish Teachers' Inclusive Teaching and Learning Support Strategies and Practices

9 September, Abraham Mlombo (UFS), The Road towards Responsible Government in Southern Rhodesia: The South African Factor, 1917–1923

26 August, Melis Cin, (Istanbul Commerce University), Syrian Refugees of Istanbul: Survival strategies and Livelihoods

12 August, Ndakaripa Musiwaro (UFS), State, civil society and economic indigenisation in Zimbabwe: Strengths and emerging limitations of conventional schools of thought

05 August, Laura Evans (Sheffield Hallam University), The Bisho Massacre and the politics of the transition

1 July, Sonja Loots (UFS), Exploring the interplay between capabilities, conversion factors and agency in the aspirational pathways of women in higher education

17 June, Alicia Lazzarini (University of Minnesota), Sugared Formations: Luso-Anglo Relations, Whiteness, and the Making of Middle Class in Mozambique

3 June, Daniel Owen Spence (UFS), For King and Sultan: Royalty, naval imperialism, and decolonisation in British East Africa, 1920-1964

20 May, Talita Calitz (UFS), A capability approach to student engagement: amplifying student voice using narrative methods

6 May, Lazlo Passemiers (UFS),  South Africa and the ‘Congo Alliance’, 1963-1964

22 April, Mikateko Hoeppener (UFS), We think we're helping, but are we really? Critical reflections on engineering for sustainable development

15 April, Casper Andersen and Andrew Cohen, ‘Imperial heritage’: Editing The Government and Administration of Africa 1880-1940 collection

11 March, Adam Houldsworth (UFS). ‘Walking a Tightrope’ – the Ambiguities of Inkatha’s Opposition to the ANC and Revolutionary Radicalism, 1986-9

25 February, Tendayi Marovha (UFS), Using a capability approach to explore African identity(ies)

11 February, Daniel Owen Spence (UFS),  ‘Seafaring race’ theory: colonial naval identities and late British imperialism


12 November 2014. Dr Tham Nguyen (UFS), Changing assessment practices: A case study in Vietnamese higher education

29 October, Dr Cindy McCreery (University of Sydney), Navy, Nation and Empire: nineteenth-century photographs of the British naval community

22 October, Dr Henke van Rinsum (University of Utrecht), Travelling intellectual traditions between Europe and (south) Africa: exploration and exploitation; the Utrechtsche Koloniale School and the Afrikaners

15 October, Laksh Venkataraman (UFS), Social Sciences in India: Premises and Promises of Capability Approach

08 October, Professor Arrigo Pallotti (University of Bolgna), Tanzania and the decolonisation of Zimbabwe

1 October,  Dr Kate Law (UFS), ‘My soul has no home’: Identity, anxiety and the past in some White Zimbabwean memoirs

17 September, Dr Joost Fontein (University of Edinburgh), Rain, Power, Sovereignty and the Materiality of Signs in Southern Zimbabwe

20 August, Tendayi Morovah (UFS), 'We appear as prisoners under the academic roof': Fear as an impediment to the formation of democratic citizens in Zimbabwean teachers colleges

23 July, Dr Duncan Money (University of Oxford), 'The use of a cutting torch remains a vital point of principle': The significance of race in the history of the Copperbelt, 1948-1966

11 June, Dr David Patrick (UFS), Disbelief to Disinterest: Interpreting Press Reactions to Genocidal Events, 1945-1995

28 March, Oliver Mutanga (UFS), Failing to do and to be what other people expect: resilience among 'disabled' students at the University of the Free State

14 May, Alfred Tembo (UFS), Opportunities and Challenges of Rubber Production in Wartime Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), 1942-1946

16 May, Prof Charles van Onselen (University of Pretoria), Organised Crime in Frontier Johannesburg: The Kruger State and the Depression of 1889-1892

2 May, Matthew Hannaford (University of Sheffield), Climate Variability and Social Dynamics in Pre-Colonial Southern African History

18 March, Aurora Fogués Lopéz (School of Education of Nottingham), ‘They told me they like me but they don’t have any money for me’: VET students in Spain in the age of economic and social crisis

1 March, Prof Allen Isaacman (University of Minnesota), Extending South Africa’s Tentacles of Empire: The Deterritorialisation of Cahora Bassa Dam

19 February, Dr Rosa Williams (UFS), Colonial medical knowledge and its limits in Mozambique at the turn of the twentieth century

05 February, Dr Mari-Anne Okkolin (UFS), Portrayals of Women’s Educational Well-being and Agency through the Capabilities Lens


04 December, Dr Sonja Loots (UFS), Employing the capabilities approach: Guiding doctoral supervision towards the expansion of freedoms and agency

20 November, Dr Florian Elliker (UFS),  Performing diversity in 'tiny publics': On the affective and emotional facets of reality maintenance in student residences

06 November, Ms Talita Calitz (UFS), Applying capabilities to academic literacy: the potential of digital narratives

23 October, Dr Tristan McCowan (University of London) Should access to higher education be a right for all?

09 October, Dr Lindie Koorts (UFS) If neither capitalism nor communism, then what? DF Malan’s ideological and economic ambivalence, 1895-1954

02 October, Mr Duncan Money (University of Oxford) ‘Every profiteer for himself is the manager’s idea of patriotism’: White labourism and industrial unrest on the Copperbelt during the Second World War

11 September, Ms Faith Mkwananzi,  (UFS), Challenges for Vulnerable Young People in Accessing Higher Education: A Case Study of Orange Farm Informal Settlement

14 August, Mr Anusa Daimon (UFS),  ‘Old and Alien’: Experiencing Ageing in an African City: A Case of Migrant Malawians in Epworth, Harare

31 July, Dr Laura Evans (UCT), Survival, Association and the Making of Place in the Ciskei’s ‘Dumping Grounds’ (c.1965-1980)

17 July, Professor Albert Grundlingh (Stellenbosch University) Cornucopia and change: Afrikanerdom in the 1960s

03 July, Dr Clement Masakure (UFS), 'Requesting permission to arrest all cholera sufferers, Your Excellency': On public health, cholera and politics in Zimbabwe

19 June, Dr Matthew Graham (University of Dundee) The ANC and the ‘myth’ of liberation solidarity in post-apartheid South Africa

12 June, Mr David Towriss (University of Sheffield), Buying Loyalty: Zimbabwe’s Marange Diamonds

05 June, Mr Ivo Mhike (UFS), Mission Hospitals, Government and Health Delivery in Zimbabwe, 1980-2012

21 March, Dr Andrew Cohen (UFS),  Lukewarm Neocolonialism? Tendering for the Construction of the Tanzam Oil Pipeline in the mid-1960s

08 August March, Dr Rory Pilossof (UFS), Who owned what?: Land transfer in Zimbabwe, 1980-2000

23 April, Professor Peter Cain (Sheffield Hallam University), Justifying Empire: British National Character and the ‘Civilising Mission’, 1870-1914

10 April, Ms Marizanne Grundlingh (UFS), Sports Retirement as Death: Heroism, Symbolic Immortality and Sport

27 March, Mr Jesse Arseneault (McMaster University), Strays and the State: Productions of Bestiality in the Rwandan Canicide

13 March, Mr Noel Ndumeya (UFS), Conservation and conflict in colonial Zimbabwe, the case of Chirinda Forest: 1930s to 1979

27 February, Mr Kudakwashe Chitofiri (UFS) 'Fighting for justice and freedom of my people through music', Protest singing and Zimbabwe: The case of Leonard Zhakata and Hosiah Chipanga

13 February, Mr Tinashe Nyamunda (UFS) African Empowerment and Indigenization Discourse in Zimbabwe during the Moderate Years: The case study of SEDCO, 1983-2002

5 February, Dr Zoe Groves, (Wits) Migration in Central Africa: Malawians in Colonial Salisbury, c.1900-1965

29 January, Professor Neil Roos (UFS), South African history and Subaltern historiography: some ideas for a radical history of white folk

22 January, Mr Oliver Mutanga (UFS), Explaining the lives of 'disabled' students in South African universities: A capabilities approach


4 December Dr Yehonatan Alsheh (UFS), Dirty Scapegoats: explaining Israel’s ties with South Africa during the 1970s and 1980s

27 November Dr Julia Tischler (Humboldt University), ‘Light and power for a multiracial nation’: the Kariba Dam scheme in the Central African Federation

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