The research group has links with the following universities:

  • IUSS, University of Pavia International, Italy (Professor Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti)
  • UCL Institute of Education, UK (Professor Elaine Unterhalter, Professor Tristan McCowan)
  • University of Oxford, UK (St Anthony's College- Dr. David Johnson)
  • School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK (Professor Monica McLean)
  • Department of Development Studies, Technical University of Valencia, Spain (Professor Alejandra Boni-Aristizabal)
  • School of Education, Warwick University (Dr Emily Henderson)
  • Faculty of Education, University of Minnesota (Professor Joan de Jaeghere)
  • Lancaster University, UK (Dr. Paul Ashwin, Dr. Melis Cin)

The research group has links with the following academic associations:

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