Assorted Publications by HEHD Research Members


Mkwananzi, F. & Cin, M. (Eds). (2022). Post-conflict Participatory Arts: Socially engaged development. London: Routledge.

Mkwananzi, F. (2019). Higher Education, Youth and Migration in Contexts of Disadvantage: Understanding Aspirations and Capabilities. London:  Palgrave McMillan.



Ncube, A.  and Mkwananzi, F. (2021). Conceptualizing a Win-Win in the Refugee and Higher Education Enigma: Insights from Southern Africa. In, I, Barreto (2021) (Ed).  Handbook of Research on Promoting Social Justice for Immigrants and Refugees Through Active Citizenship and Intercultural Education. pp, 328-348.

Mkwananzi, F. (2021). Transitioning capitals in international student mobility. In, J, Kurzwelly. & L.E., D’Angles (Eds). Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Capetown: HSRC Press. pp, 173-195.

Marovah, T. & Mkwananzi, F.  (2020). Graffiti as a Participatory Method Fostering Epistemic Justice and Collective Capabilities among Rural Youth: A Case Study in Zimbabwe.  In, M, Walker. & A, Boni. (Eds) ‘Participatory Research, Capabilities and Epistemic Justice’. Palgrave. 215-241.

Ncube, A. & Mkwananzi, F. (2020). Gendered labour migration in South Africa: A capability approach lens. In, F.T. Seiger., C, Timmerman., N.B. Salazar & J, Wets. (Eds). Migration at Work: Aspirations, Imaginaries & Structures of Mobility. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 65-90. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctv16km21f.

Mkwananzi, F. & Wilson-Strydom, M. (2018). Conceptualising higher education aspiration formation among marginalised migrant youth’, In, E, Sengupta & P, Blessinger (Eds). ‘Language, Teaching and Pedagogy for Refugee Education: Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning’, Volume 15, 27–41. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, DOI: 10.1108/S2055-364120180000015004.



Mkwananzi, F., Cin, M. and Marovah, T. (2021). Participatory arts for navigating political capabilities and aspirations among rural youth in Zimbabwe. Third World Quarterly.

Mathebula, M., & Martinez-Vargas, C. (2021). Broadening the normative and evaluative space for assessing the impact of photo diary research in higher education. Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research: Opportunities, Choices and Challenges.

Buckler, A., Chamberlain. L., Mkwananzi, F., Dean, C., and Chigodora, O. (2021). Out-of-school girls’ lives in Zimbabwe: what can we learn from a storytelling research approach, Cambridge Journal of Education. DOI:

Walker, M., Martinez-Vargas, C., & Mkwananzi, F. (2020). Participatory action research: Towards (non-ideal) epistemic justice in a university in South Africa. Journal of Global Ethics16(1), 77-94.

Walker, M., & Martinez-Vargas, C. (2020). Epistemic governance and the colonial epistemic structure: Towards epistemic humility and transformed South-North relations. Critical Studies in Education, 1-16.

Martinez-Vargas, C., Walker, M., & Mkwananzi, F. (2020). Access to higher education in South Africa: Expanding capabilities in and through an undergraduate photovoice project. Educational Action Research28(3), 427-442.

Walker, M., & Mathebula, M. (2020). Low-income rural youth migrating to urban universities in South Africa: opportunities and inequalities. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50(8), 1193-1209.

Kibona, B. (2020). Higher Education for Human Development: Perspectives from Tanzanian Universities. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education11, 124-126.

Somerville, F. (2020). Capabilities for media graduate employability: a case study of private higher education in South Africa. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education11, 189-191.

Martinez-Vargas, C. (2020). Decolonising higher education research: From a uni-versity to a pluri-versity of approaches. South African Journal of Higher Education, 34(2), 112-128.

Mkwananzi, F & Cin, F.M.  (2020). From Streets to Developing Aspirations: How Does Collective Agency for Education Change Marginalised Migrant Youths’ Lives? Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2020.1801609.

Walker, M., Martinez, C. and Mkwananzi, F. (2019). Participatory action research: towards (non-ideal) epistemic justice in a university in South Africa. Journal of Global Ethics.

Mkwananzi, F. & Mukwambo P. (2019). Widening Participation in Higher Education for Marginalised Migrant Youth Through Flexible Teaching and Learning Mechanisms, Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 21 (2). DOI:

Martinez-Vergas C., Walker, M. & Mkwananzi, F. (2019). Access to higher education in South Africa: Expanding capabilities in and through an undergraduate photovoice project. Educational Action Research, DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2019.1612767

Mkwananzi, F. & Wilson-Strydom, M. (2018). Multidimensional disadvantages and educational aspirations of marginalised migrant youth: Insights from the Global South, Journal of Global Ethics, 14 (1), 71-94, DOI: 10.1080/17449626.2018.1496349.

Mkwananzi, F. & Wilson-Strydom, M. (2018). Capabilities expansion for marginalised migrant youths in Johannesburg: The case of Albert Street School, HTS Theological Studies Journal, 74,(3), 1-10,

Walker, M. & Mkwananzi, F. (2015). Challenges in accessing higher education: A case study of marginalised young people in one South African informal settlement. International Journal of Educational Development, (40), 40-49.

Walker, M. & Mkwananzi, F. (2015). Theorizing vulnerable young people’s challenges in accessing higher education.  Perspectives in Education, (33), 1.


Kibona, B. (2021). Reviews of books: debating decolonization, post-feminism and museums-Francis B. Nyamnjoh,# RhodesMustFall: nibbling at resilient colonialism in South Africa. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG (pb£ 24–978 9 95676 316 0). 2016, 312 pp. Africa91(5), 913-914.

Mkwananzi, F. Youth, Gender and the Capabilities Approach to Development: Rethinking Opportunities and Agency from a Human Development Perspective. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, (February 2019). Doi/full/10.1080/19452829.2019.1560895.

Buckler, A. & Mkwananzi F. Unfolding Narratives of Ubuntu in Southern Africa, Compare, (March 2019). Doi/full/10.1080/03057925.2019.1585659.




Mkwananzi, F.  & Cin, M. What does a decolonised research culture look like? Research Professional News, (June 2020).

Mkwananzi, F & Cin, M. Equal research partnerships are a myth – but we can change that. Times Higher Education, (October 2021). 

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