Prof Angelique Van Niekerk
Afrs Dutch German French
9B 213
Afrikaans Dutch German and French
IB 20
Flippie Groenewoud Building: Block B 213

Short CV


Abridged CV:  Prof. Angelique van Niekerk



    Name:             Angelique van Niekerk

    Date of birth:  6 September 1969

    Place of birth: Bloemfontein

    Work address: Department of Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French, University of the Free State (Head of the dept. 2014 - 2023)

  2. Telephone:      (051) 401 2542 (w)

  3.                         082 477 7850


    Nationality:     RSA citizen







1987:   Matriculate at Sand du Plessis Secondary School in Bloemfontein (Four distinctions).

1990:   Obtains the degree BA Communication Science at the University of the Orange Free State, majoring in the following:  Afrikaans and Dutch, Communication Science, Business Communication (Cum laude).

1991:   Obtains BA Honours in Afrikaans and Dutch at the University of the Orange Free State (Cum laude).

1992:   Obtains MA in Afrikaans and Dutch at the University of the Orange Free State (Cum laude).

1996:   Obtains PhD in Afrikaans and Dutch at the University of the Orange Free State.

2002:   Obtains MA Communication Science at the University of the Orange Free State (Cum laude).

2004:   Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal (Internationally recognized examination in Dutch – cum laude) from The Netherlands Language Union.

2009:   CPCC online copy-writing course: effective radio advertising accredited by the Radio Advertising Bureau, USA.

2023:   NRF C2 rating obtained.




Disciplines and areas applicable:

  • Applied Linguistics
  • Copywriting (marketing language)
  • Teaching a foreign language in an e-learning environment (Dutch and Afrikaans)
  • Pragmatics/Discourse analysis
  • Semantics
  • Language teaching and language acquisition



  • Member of the Linguistics Society of Southern Africa (LVSA/LSSA), 1992 - .
  • Member of the Southern African Applied Linguistics Association (SAALA) 2014 –.
  • Member of the management board of Stichting Neerlandia, 2015 -.
  • Secretary and treasurer for the LSSA, 1996–1999.
  • Member of the Executive Committee (co-opted) of LSSA, 2000–2001.
  • Member of the Southern African Society for the Dutch Language, 1994 – .
  • Member of the Southern African Society for the Language Teaching, 1995–2005.
  • Member of the South African Academy for Science and Art, 1998 – .
  • Secretary of the South African Academy for Science and Art Free State Work Community, 1999–2003.
  • Treasurer of the Netherlands-South Africa Association, 2002–2011.
  • Member of the South African Communication Association, SACOMM, 2008 – 2015.


  5.1  RESEARCH OUTPUTS since 2011

2011:   Graphology in print advertising:  iconic functions.  (joint author:  A.G. Jenkinson).  Journal for New Generation Sciences, 9 (2):  116–134.  ISSN:  1684 4998.

2012:   A discourse-analytical investigation into the nature of Afrikaans and English radio advertisements.  (joint author:  M. Bertram). ).  In:  Olatunji, R.W. and B.A. Laninhun (eds). Dimensions of advertising theory and practice in Africa. Dakar: Amalion publishing: 182-202. ISBN:  978-2-35926-018-2.

2013:   Interactive print advertisements vs. interaction in print advertisements.  (joint author:  G. Keyser).  Communitas, 18: 156-183.  ISSN:  1023-0556.

2013:   The use of sexual controversy in South African advertising:  a pragmatic analysis.  (joint author:  A.G. Jenkinson).  Language Matters, 44 (2):  29–46.  ISSN:  0199735719.

2014:   Pragmatiek (Pragmatics).  In:  Kontemporêre Afrikaanse taalkunde (ed. W.A.M. Carstens and N. Bosman).  Van Schaik publishers: 275-310.  ISSN:  978 06 27 03 019 2.

2014:   Woordspeling en die vorming van handelsname in gedrukte advertensiekommunikasie. . (Word-play and the creating of brand names in printed advertising communication). LitNet Akademies, 11 (1):  188-229.  ISSN:  1995-5928.

2014:   Retoriese stylfigure as intellektuele spel in advertensiekommunikasie. (Retoric style figures as intellectual play in advertising communication). (joint author:  E. Lubbe).  Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 54 (3):  446-461.   ISSN:  0041-4751.

2014:   Literary genres as points of interest in print advertising.  (joint author:  M.S. Conradie).  Journal for New Generation Sciences,  12 (2):  126-146.  ISSN:  1684 4998.

2015:   The use of linguistic tokenism to secure brand loyalty:  Code-switching.  (joint author:  M.S. Conradie).   Language Matters, 46 (1). ISSN:  0199735719.

2016:   Branding through art:  The commercial value of visual and linguistic signs of art.  (Joint author:  M.S. Conradie).  Critical arts, 30 (2):  233-251. ISSN 0256-0046.

2017:   Pragmatiek (Pragmatics). In: Kontemporêre Afrikaanse taalkunde (ed. Carstens, W.A.M. and N. Bosman). Pretoria: Van Schaik publishers: 329-364.  ISBN:  978 06 27 03437 4.

2018:  Die intensionele afwyking van die norme van Standaardafrikaans in advertensies. (The intentional deviation from the norms of Standard Afrikaans in advertising). Literator, 39(2).   ISSN:  0258-2279.

2018:   The use of indexical signs, symbols and icons in print advertising communication.  Communitas, 23 (1). ISSN: 2415-0525.

2019:   A pragmatic approach to sentence structure in advertising language. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies.

2019:   Die identiteit van die verbeelde Afrikaanssprekende gemeenskap soos vergestalt in gedrukte advertensies uit kommersiële tydskrifte. In: Van Niekerk, A, Van Coller, H.P. and B Odendaal (eds), J.C. Steyn en Afrikaans – ? Viering.  Bloemfontein:  Sun Press: 214-267.  ISBN: 978-1-928424-32-1.

2019:   Balancing societal norms and communication practice in creating attention in advertising communication.  Journal for New Generation Science (JNGS), 17 (2): 54-77.  ISSN: 1684-4998.

2020:   A semantic-pragmatic approach to sentence structure in advertising language.  Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38 (3): 185-199.  ISSN: 1607-3614.

2020:   The “currency” of cultivating a green brand: Representation practices for green branding and green washing in print magazine advertising in South Africa (with Conradie, M.). Communitas, 25.

2021:   Nostalgie as konstruk in advertensies in die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrifmark (Nostalgia as a construct in advertisements in the South African magazine market)Litnet Akademies, 18 (3).  ISSN: 1995-5928.

2022:   ? Ontleding van nostalgiegedrewe advertensies in Suid-Afrikaanse advertensies (An analysis of nostalgia driven advertisements in South African magazines). Litnet Akademies, 19 (1).  ISSN: 1995-5928.

2022:   Advertensietaal (Advertising language). In: Toegepaste Taalkunde in Afrikaans. (Ed.). Carstens, W.A.M. Carstens & Van Dyk, T.J. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers: 497 – 520. ISBN: 9780627039706.

2023: ’n Korpusgebaseerde ondersoek na kohesieskakels as kenmerkende eienskap van outeurstyl van Dana Snyman en André le Roux (a corpus based investigation into cohesion chains as authentic characteristics in the writing style of Dana Snyman and André le Roux) (co-author). Litnet Akademies, ISSN: 1995- 59 28.

2023:   Nederlandse taalverwerwing binne die Suid-Afrikaanse tersiêre landskap: die struktuur van ’n gemengdeleerkursus (Dutch language acquisition within the South African tertiary landscape). Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans (TN&A). ISSN: 1022-6966.

2023: Van toeka af die toekoms in: Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans, UV/UFS (1918 – 2023). (Since way back when to the future: Department Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French, UFS (1918 -). Naledi publishers: (Co-author, book publication)



2008 -2013:     Student participation in the annual Pendoring and Loerie competition.

2009:   Two CD-ROMs for Afrikaans as foreign language:  Gesellig Afrikaans.

2010:   The CD-ROM to learn Afrikaans includes English and Sesotho as medium of tuition.  Launched in August 2010.

2016/2017:     Develop and launch two complete online Afrikaans acquisition courses for foreign students, SLP: Gesellig Afrikaans. Available at VivA.

2018/2019: Develop an online Dutch acquisition course, SLP was launched in 2021: Nederlands leren spreken.




1993:   ’n Klassifikasie van openings- en afsluitingsmerkers as universele kenmerke van gesprekke (A classification of opening and closing markers/sequences as universal characteristics of conversation).  (joint author:  G.J. van Jaarsveld).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics,  11 Supplement 18:  143-169.  ISSN:  1011 8063.

1994:   Wat bind beurte? (What relates one speech turn to another?).  (joint author:  G.J. van Jaarsveld).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics, 12 (3):  84-89.  ISSN:  1011 8063.

1994:   Wel ... uh ... wat ek wou vra:  Wat is ’n gambiet? (Well ... uh ... what I wanted to ask was:  What is a gambit?).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics, 12 (3).  89-99.  ISSN:  1011 8063.

1996:   “Hoe kan meertaligheid bevorder word?  Die belang van gespreksmerkers as subvaardigheid in luisterbegrip. (How can multilingualism be enhanced? The importance of discourse markers as prerequisite for listening comprehension).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics, 14 (2):  57–63.  ISSN:  1011 8063.

1996:   Die ontwerp van ’n luisteronderrigprogram:  Enkele riglyne. (The design of a listening programme:  a few guidelines).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig/SA Journal for Language Teaching, 30 (3):  208–219.  ISSN:  0259 9570.

1996:   Die belang van gespreksmerkers en konteksgegewens in ’n voorspelbaarheidsgrammatika.  (The importance of discourse markers and contextual information in a grammar based on prediction).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig/SA Journal for Language Teaching, 30 (4):  308–321.  ISSN:  0259 9570.

1997:   “Afrikaans in die hof:  Die vraagvorm as verskuilde agenda. (Afrikaans in court:  the question technique as hidden agenda).  (joint author:  G.J. van Jaarsveld).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics, 15 (3):  91–97.  ISSN:  1011 8063.

1997:   Examining strategies in court:  problems for the interpreter?  Acta Varia, 4:  119–135.  ISSN:  086886 5486.

1997:   Degrees of coherence in discourse and listening skills.  (joint author G.J. van Jaarsveld).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig/SA Journal for Language Teaching, 30 (4):  308-321.  ISSN:  0259 9570.

1999:   Advertensiekommunikasie:  ’n eiesoortige stel taalreëls vir ’n eiesoortige teks. (Adverts as a unique means of communication: a unique set of language rules for a unique kind of text).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics, 17 (2-3): 173–204.  ISSN:  1011 8063.

2000:   Taalgebruikskunde:  ’n kreatiewe uitdaging. (Language usage courses: a creative challenge).  (joint author:  A.G. Jenkinson).  SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde/SA Journal of Linguistics, 18 Supplement 39:  159–175.  ISSN 1018 7820.

2000:   Luistervaardigheid:  die sleutel tot effektiewe kommunikasie. (Listening competence:  the key to effective communication).  Communitas.   ISSN:  1023–0556. 

2002:   Vertelstrategieë in Verliesfontein deur Karel Schoeman. (Narration strategies in Verliesfontein by Karel Schoeman).  (joint author H.P. van Coller).  In:  Burger W. and H. van Vuuren (ed.).  Sluiswagter by die dam van Stemme:  Beskouings oor die werk van Karel Schoeman.  Pretoria:  Protea Boekhuis: 249-270. ISBN:  1-919825-93-2.

2004:   Leksikale vernuwing:  neologismes en geleentheidskeppings. (Lexical renewal:  neologisms and occasional creations).  (joint author:  A.G. Jenkinson).  Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 22 (3 & 4):  173-190.  ISSN:  16073614.

2004:   ’n Pragmatiese analise van die vertelsituasie in Verliesfontein deur Karel Schoeman. (A pragmatic analysis of the narrative position in Verliesfontein by Karel Schoeman).  (joint author H.P. van Coller).  Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 22 (3 & 4).  191-208.  ISSN:  16073614.

2005:   Handelsname:  ’n vorm van leksikale vernuwing teen die agtergrond van globalisering. (Brandnames: a form of lexical renuwal against the background of globalisation). Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 23 (1):  39-58.  ISSN:  16073614.

2006:   Guest editor:  Supplementary edition:  Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe:  Die belang van moedertaalonderrig. (The importance of mother tongue education).  ISSN:  004 147 51.

2006:   Gedagtes oor  mites in reklamekommunikasie.  (Ideas and myths in advertising communication). (joint author:  J. Möller).  Communitas, 11  (3):  153–168.  ISSN:  1023-0556. 

2007:   Die rol van konnotatiewe en denotatiewe elemente in die instandhou en kommunikasie van reklamemites. (The role of connotative and denotative elements in the maintaining of advertising myths). (joint author:  J. Möller).  Journal for New Generation Sciences, 6 (2):  115–141.  ISSN:  1684 4998.

2008:   A discourse-analytical approach to intertextual advertisements – a model to describe a dominant world-view.  Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 26 (4):  495–512.  ISSN:  16073614.

2011:   Graphology in print advertising:  iconic functions.  (joint author:  A.G. Jenkinson).  Journal for New Generation Science, 9 (2):  116–134.  ISSN:  1684 4998.

2012:   A discourse-analytical investigation into the nature of Afrikaans and English radio advertisements.  (joint author:  M. Bertram).   In:  Olatunji, R.W. and B.A. Laninhun (eds). Dimensions of advertising theory and practice in Africa. Dakar: Amalion publishing: 182-202. ISBN:  978-2-35926-018-2.

2013:   Interactive print advertisements vs. interaction in print advertisements.  (joint author:  G. Keyser).  Communitas, 18: 156-183.  ISSN:  1023-0556. 

2013:   The use of sexual controversy in South African advertising:  a pragmatic analysis (joint author:  A.G. Jenkinson).  Language Matters, 44 (2):  29–46.  ISSN:  0199735719.  

2013:   Pragmatiek. (Pragmatics).  In:  Carstens, W.A.M. and N. Bosman (ed).  Kontemporêre Afrikaanse taalkunde.  Van Schaik publishers: 275-310.  ISBN:  978 06 27 03 019 2.


Since 2014

2014:   Woordspeling en die vorming van handelsname in gedrukte advertensiekommunikasie. (Word-play and the creating of brand names in printed advertising communication).  LitNet Akademies, 11 (1):  188-229.  ISSN:  1995-5928.

2014:  Literary genres as points of interest in print advertising (co-author M. Conradie). Journal of New Generation Sciences, 12 (2), 126-146.

2014:   Retoriese stylfigure as intellektuele spel in advertensiekommunikasie. (Retoric style figures as intellectual play in advertising communication). (joint author:  E. Lubbe).  Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe.  54 (3):  446-461.  ISSN:  0041-4751.

2015:   The use of linguistic tokenism to secure brand loyalty:  Code-switching. (joint author:  M.S. Conradie).  Language Matters,  46 (1): 119 – 143. ISSN:  0199735719.

2016:   Branding through art:  The commercial value of visual and linguistic signs of art. (joint author:  M.S. Conradie).    Critical arts, 30 (2) : 233-251.  ISSN: 0256 -0046.

2017:   Pragmatiek (Pragmatics). In: Kontemporêre Afrikaanse taalkunde (ed. Carstens, W.A.M. and N. Bosman). Pretoria: Van Schaik publishers: 329-364.  ISBN:  978 06 27 03437 4.

2018:  Die intensionele afwyking van die norme van Standaardafrikaans in advertensies. (The intentional deviation from the norms of Standard Afrikaans in advertising). Literator.39(2).   ISSN:  0258-2279.

2018:   The use of indexical signs, symbols and icons in print advertising communication.  Communitas, 23 (1). ISSN: 2415-0525.

2019:   A pragmatic approach to sentence structure in advertising language. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38 (3), 185-199.

2019:   Die identiteit van die verbeelde Afrikaanssprekende gemeenskap soos vergestalt in gedrukte advertensies uit kommersiële tydskrifte. In: Van Niekerk, A, Van Coller, H.P. en B Odendaal, (eds.). J.C. Steyn en Afrikaans – ? Viering.  Bloemfontein:  Sun Press: 214-267.  ISBN: 978-1-928424-32-1. 2019:          

2019:   Balancing societal norms and communication practice in creating attention in advertising communication.  Journal for New Generation Science (JNGS), 17 (2): 54-77.  ISSN: 1684-4998.

2020:   A semantic-pragmatic approach to sentence structure in advertising language.  Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 38 (3): 185-199.  ISSN: 1607-3614.

2020:   The “currency” of cultivating a green brand: Representation practices for green branding and green washing in print magazine advertising in South Africa (with Conradie, M.). Communitas, 25.

2021:   Nostalgie as konstruk in advertensies in die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrifmark (Nostalgia as a construct in advertisements in the South African magazine market)Litnet Akademies, 18 (3).  ISSN: 1995-5928.

2022:   ? Ontleding van nostalgiegedrewe advertensies in Suid-Afrikaanse advertensies (An analysis of nostalgia driven advertisements in South African magazines). Litnet Akademies, 19 (1).  ISSN: 1995-5928.

2022:   Advertensietaal (Advertising language). In: Toegepaste Taalkunde in Afrikaans. (Ed.). Carstens, W.A.M. Carstens & Van Dyk, T.J. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers: 497-520. ISBN: 9780627039706.

 2023: ’n Korpusgebaseerde ondersoek na kohesieskakels as kenmerkende eienskap van outeurstyl van Dana Snyman en André le Roux (co-author). LitNet Akademies,  ISSN: 1995- 59 28.

2023:   Nederlandse taalverwerwing binne die Suid-Afrikaanse tersiêre landskap: die struktuur van ’n gemengdeleerkursus. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans (TN&A). ISSN: 1022-6966.

2023: Van toeka af die toekoms in: Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands, Duits en Frans, UV/UFS (1918 –2023 ). (Since way back when to the future: Department Afrikaans and Dutch, German and French, UFS (1918 -2023). Gans bay: Naledi publishers(Co-authors:  HJ Pieterse, JC Steyn). Book publication.  ISBN: 978-1-991256-58-4.

Area(s) of Interest

A) Disciplines of research 

  • Applied Linguistics
  • Copywriting (marketing language)
  • Teaching a foreign language in an e-learning environment (Dutch and Afrikaans)
  • Pragmatics/Discourse analysis
  • Semantics
  • Language teaching and language acquisition


B) Multilingualism in service of social cohesion; language policy and planning


C) Supportive management and accountability

Courses Presented


Dutch language acquisition second year and SLP

Afrikaans language acquisition and SLP

Applied linguistics First years

Semantics, Pragmatics -  third years


Hons, MA and PhD.  - linguistics

Service Learning

Short learning programme (onlline and Contact)

Dutch as foreign language

Afrikaans as foreign language


T: +27 51 401 2240 of

Marica Coetsee: +27 51 401 2369


Katlego Mabulana: +27 51 401 2495
Juanita Hlongwane: +27 51 401 3269

Humanities photo next to contact block