Frederik Stjernfelt
Title of keynote lecture: Peirce’s theory of self-control and the human condition
Bio: Frederik Stjernfelt is professor of semiotics, intellectual history and philosophy of science, Aalborg University Copenhagen. As to semiotics, he takes a strong interest in Charles Peirce and his philosophy of iconicity, diagrams, propositions and reasoning, cf. the books Diagrammatology (2007) and Natural Propositions (2014). In intellectual history, he is preoccupied with the history of ideas of the Enlightenment, most recently the two volume work Grov Konfækt on Danish Press Freedom 1770-73 with historians U. Langen and H. Horstbøll. In philosophy of science, together with David Budtz, he has had a series of projects mapping current humanities and the relevance of philosophical anthropology to research and democracy.