Thursday: 26/08/2021

12:30 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 Kobus Marais (University of the Free State), Reine Meylaerts (KULeuven) & Maud Gonne (ULiège)

Welcoming and introduction.
The complexity of social-cultural emergence: biosemiotics, semiotics and Translation Studies

13:20 KEYNOTE: Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin) Indigenizing translation in the ecosemiosphere
14:10 Q&A
14:40 Virtual coffee break

Panel 1 Inter-species translations
15:00 Nikolaas Colpaert & Jack McMartin (HoGENT & KULeuven) What’s in a whistle? An eco-translational exploration of humans making sense of dolphins making sense of humans
15:20 Wioleta Karwacka (University of Gdansk) Explaining animals: Intentionality and deontic modality in translated nature documentaries
15:40 Xany Van Vuuren (University of the Free State) From the horse’s mouth: Umwelt, functional cycle and interpreting
16:00 Q&A
16:30 Virtual coffee break

Panel 2 Social-cultural emergence
16:50 Nasrin Ashrafi (KULeuven) Semiosphere and literary network dynamics
17:10 Andrea Ciribuco (National University of Ireland) Translating, transplanting: Migrant food and the translational ecosystem
17:30 Meihua Song Understanding the emergence of Chinese-language contemporary Tibetan literature
17:50 Q&A
18:20 Virtual coffee break

Panel 3 Beyond binaries
18:40 Saqer Almarri (New York University Abu Dhabi) Sex and stability: The possible definitions of (inter)sex in Islamic law
19:00 Rindon Kundu (Sri Sri University) Considering the fluidity of translation: Developing an alternative biological model
19:20Brian Baer (Kent State University)Biosemiotics and translation: the soviet context
19:40 Q&A
20:10 - 20:30 Conclusion of Day 1

Friday: 27/08/2021

13:00KEYNOTE: Frederik Stjernfelt (Aalborg University) Peirce’s theory of self-control and the human condition 
13:50Virtual coffee break 

Panel 4 Translation theories across disciplines 
14:50 Sue-Ann Harding (Queen’s University Belfast)Translation as correspondence and telling 
15:10 Matt Valler (Queens University Belfast)The shape and force of meaning: Translating the Mississippi 
15:30 Kobus Marais (University of the Free State) Incomplete culture: Translation is biosemiotic work
15:50 Q&A
16:20 Virtual coffee break

Panel 5Human cognition and biotranslation 
16:40 Daria Arkipova (University of Turin)Translating neuroscience to semiotics : A methodological framework to the study of human cognition in AI mediated communication
17:00 Oscar Miyamoto (University of Tartu)The Memory System Framework as a semiotic model of biotranslation
17:20 Q&A
17:40 Virtual coffee break
18:00 - 18:20 Conclusion of Day 2

Saturday: 28/08/2021

 Panel 6 Intersemiotic creativity
13:00João Queiroz & Pedro Atã (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) Intersemiotic translation, cognitive artifact and creativity
13:20Pedro Atã and João Queiroz (Federal University of Juiz de Fora)
Emergent sign-action – classical Ballet
13:40Ana Paula Vitorio, João Queiroz (Federal University of Juiz de Fora)
Montage as a transmedial phenomenon
14:00 Q&A
14:30 Virtual coffee break

Panel 7 Translation and intersemiotic (res)sources
14:50 Lilian Moreira & João Queiroz (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) Translating Alice in Wonderland through Peircean mature semiotics
15:10 Khelil Lamya (Hunan Normal University & Paris Descartes University) The impact of multimodal semiotics in translating science popularization discourse
15:30 Q&A
15:50 Virtual coffee break

Panel 8 Eco-translational processes crossing disciplines
16:10 Uliana Strugovshchikova & Paco Calvo (Russian Academy of Sciences & University of Murcia) Phytosemiotics: Plants and signs
16:30 Katarzyna Machtyl (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań) Environment, ecology and Umwelt: The entanglement of biosemiotics and ecological anthropology
16:50 Jan Buts (Boğaziçi University) Charging the naked eye: Considering a psychedelic Translation Studies
17:10 Q&A
17:40 Virtual coffee break

18:00 KEYNOTE: Terrence Deacon (University of California) How molecules became signs
18:50 Q&A
19:20 - 20:00 Concluding remarks

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