Early bird registration until 2 August 2024
R2 500
Includes refreshments during teatimes, lunches, the campus tour, as well as the cocktail function and show at the Naval Hill Planetarium. You are responsible for your own travel and accommodation arrangements.
Registration after 2 August 2024
R3 000
Includes refreshments during teatimes, lunches, the campus tour, as well as the cocktail function and show at the Naval Hill Planetarium. You are responsible for your own travel and accommodation arrangements.
CEM Alumni discount
Please provide your UFS student number or ID number
Plus one, for attending function at planetarium
R 400
Cocktail function and show at Naval Hill Planetarium
Exhibitor space booked before 2 August 2024
R8 500
Includes exhibitor space, refreshments during teatimes, lunches, the campus tour, and the cocktail function, as well as show at the Naval Hill Planetarium for 1 attendee. Add R800 for each extra attendee. You are responsible for your own travel and accommodation arrangements.
Exhibitor space booked after 2 August 2024
R9 500
Includes exhibitor space, refreshments during teatimes, lunches, the campus tour, as well as the cocktail function and show at the Naval Hill Planetarium for 1 attendee. Add R800 for each extra attendee. You are responsible for your own travel and accommodation arrangements.